How to prepare a salmon with almonds and orange sauce

How to prepare a salmon with almonds and orange sauce

The combination of a salmon and almonds will be to the taste even to true gourmets, and in combination with orange sauce this dish will become your crown treat to a holiday table.

It is required to you

  • - 2 oranges
  • - salt
  • - black sprinkling pepper
  • - 200 g of a desi
  • - basil
  • - olive oil
  • - 1 kg of fillet of a salmon
  • - 3 small carrots
  • - 1 lemon
  • - almonds
  • - lettuce leaves
  • - broccoli


1. Squeeze out juice of oranges, bring to the boil, fill with a black sprinkling pepper and salt. Constantly stirring slowly with weight, add a desi and the orange dried peel rubbed on a small grater.

2. Roll in fillet of a salmon in almonds (better to use flakes of almonds or to independently cut it on thin plates). Previously oil fish olive and slightly salt also a black sprinkling pepper.

3. Lay out preparation in a form for roasting and put in an oven for 15 minutes. You watch closely readiness of a dish if there passes too much time - almonds will turn black and can burn.

4. Boil broccoli and carrots within several minutes in the boiling and added some salt water. Lay out fillet of a salmon on a plate, nearby place boiled vegetables, fill with orange sauce. It is possible to decorate a dish with small cut greens or branches of parsley.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
