It is the best of all to roll up cucumbers in one-liter jars to little families or those who occasionally include this product in the diet. Then a pickles won't be gone, and will be eaten in time. Besides in such ware it is much more convenient to store cucumbers both in the fridge, and in a case.
Simple recipe of a cucumber pickles
On 3 one-liter jars it is required to you:
- 1.5 kg of cucumbers; - 3 leaves of horse-radish or oak;
- 5 umbrellas of fennel; - on 6 leaves of cherry and raspberry; - pinch of peas of allspice; - 6 garlic gloves; - 2 tablespoons of coarse salt; - 6 tablespoons of vinegar; - 1 tablespoon of sugar.
Choose young cucumbers of the small size for roll-in – they look more esthetically and turn out much more tasty.
Soak cucumbers in cold water within half an hour, then properly wash and cut off from two parties. Carefully wash up banks and sterilize in the warmed oven or over the boiling water within 10 minutes. Lay the washed-up leaves of horse-radish, cherry and raspberry on a bottom of cans. Then densely fill them with cucumbers, inserting between them cloves of the peeled garlic, umbrellas of fennel and small pea of allspice. Fill in banks with boiled water, leave for 10 minutes, and then drain hot water back in a pan. Again bring to the boil and add to it sugar, salt and vinegar. When marinade begins to boil, fill in with it cucumbers and roll up banks the sterilized covers. Put them in the turned view of a warm blanket and properly wrap up. Day later remove the rolled-up cucumbers to the basement or a dark case.
Pickled cucumbers with mustard powder
To roll up 2 one-liter jars of cucumbers, it is necessary: - 1 kg of cucumbers; - 5 umbrellas of fennel; - 8 peas of allspice; - 6 garlic gloves; - 7 leaves of blackcurrant; - 7 leaves of cherry; - large leaf of horse-radish; - 1 liter of water; - 2 tablespoons of salt; - 1 h spoon of dry mustard.
Mustard powder in this recipe will make taste of cucumbers more spicy, will protect them from formation of a mold and possible processes of fermentation.
Soak cucumbers in water during 6, and 12 hours are even better. Then wash and cut off from two parties. Sterilize one-liter jars in the ways described above, fill them with cucumbers, fennel umbrellas, garlic, leaves of currant, cherry, horse-radish and allspice. Prepare a brine. For this purpose boil water liter in a pan, completely dissolve in it salt, cool a little and filter. Fill in with the prepared brine cucumbers and remove banks to the dark place for 3 days, from time to time scumming образовывающуюся. Later the put time merge a brine from cans in a pan, bring to the boil and again fill in with it cucumbers. Fill in banks of dry mustard, roll up them the sterilized covers and wrap up for several days. You store in the dark dry place.