The turkey baked with citrus glaze

The turkey baked with citrus glaze

Meat of a turkey turns out is delicious tasty and gentle thanks to the fact that it is preparing practically in own juice. And addition of marinade from a citrus and white wine gives to this dish special charm.

It is required to you

  • - 820 g of a turkey;
  • - 315 g of a lime;
  • - 185 ml of white dry wine;
  • - 35 g of a refiner syrup;
  • - greens;
  • - 85 ml of lemon juice;
  • - 150 g of sugar.


1. Wash up and cut a lime on thin circles. Greens carefully to wash out, dry and crush.

2. Meat of a turkey to wash up, dry and cut on small pieces. Then to rub each piece with salt and pepper and also any seasoning for a bird (at will).

3. Take a special form for roasting with non-stick coating, oil it vegetable and put in it the prepared lime circles. Then from above to shift the cut greens to them, and on it already to lay out pieces of meat of a turkey.

4. Warm, properly, an oven and put in it a form with a turkey approximately for 65 minutes.

5. To carefully mix lemon juice with white wine and sugar. Get a turkey from an oven and water it with the prepared mix, close it a foil and put back in an oven for 35 minutes.

6. As a result meat of a turkey becomes soft, gentle and surprisingly tasty.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
