Harm and dependence on sweet are quite widespread problem in modern society. Presently many people abuse products with the raised sugar content, it can lead to a set of unpleasant consequences.
Glycemic index
All types of carbohydrates, including difficult and simple, after reception them in food raise sugar level in blood. Thus, all products are acquired with a different speed that affects amount of time for which glucose level rises.
Those products which nutritive matters are quickly soaked up in blood have the high glycemic index. Respectively, if on the contrary – low. Food with the high content of sugar or fast carbohydrates belongs to the first category.
High level of sugar in blood, as a rule, is followed by its sharp decrease. When these values fall to the lowermost, the person begins to hunger. From here also problems with food behavior, and subsequently with obesity come.
Features of various products
At inclusion in food, for example, of usual buckwheat which is slow carbohydrate sugar level long time doesn't fall below a basic mark. These indicators gradually raise and gradually go down, coming down to an initial mark. At the use of a similar product don't slip so-called "windows of hunger" in which the person often makes slips in the diet.
The reverse situation occurs when eating by the person, for example, of chocolate. There is a huge jump of sugar in blood, the large portion of transport hormone of insulin, steadily raised indicators who can be led to a number of problems with health respectively is thrown out. It transports all received sugar, as a rule, straight in fat depots.
There is one more feature of an organism of the healthy person: at abuse of sweet products, the body isn't able to excrete strictly necessary amount of transport hormone. Because of it, after splash in level of sugar, it will fall much below than former values. The organism which natural reaction will be to give a signal of hunger will begin to look for any sources of food capable to satisfy this shortcoming.
Ways to avoid harm from sweet
For example, if you eat the large portion filled with various nutrients you have an opportunity at the end of meal to add the small volume of sweeties. The fact is that in this case glycemic loading of conditional candy considerably falls because of big mass of the eaten useful products before. This sweet product, finally, will have the low speed of assimilation, won't promote sharp increase in glucose.
If you maintain stable values of sugar in blood during the day, you will break less for various desserts. You will have a smaller susceptibility to sudden strengthening of appetite, to violation of food behavior. Try to replace the most part of the consumed fast carbohydrates with slow analogs.
Summing up the result, you should monitor the glycemic index of various products for improvement of food behavior and maintenance of healthy weight. Afford sweet products only after the main meal, then it won't do notable harm.