Home-made boiled pork or roast beef will become an excellent alternative to sausage. The kilogram of meat is the little more expensive than kilogram of sausage of the premium, but you will be precisely sure that you eat meat, but not spicy and flavoring composition from soy, dyes, flavor enhancers, etc.
It is required to you
- steak for roasting — 1-2 kg;
- garlic — 1 head;
- large carrots — 1 piece;
- salt;
- sprinkling pepper;
- foil or special package for roasting.
1. Wash out meat in flowing cold water, get wet with a napkin. Clean garlic and carrots. Divide a head of garlic into segments (bylka), cut everyone on 2-3 parts. Cut carrots straws, about 0.5 cm thick, 3-4 cm long.
2. Take a sharp knife: the edge has to be narrow, but strong; the handle has to adjoin densely to a palm and not slide. Make frequent punctures cuts in pulp of meat about 4-5 cm in depth. In the formed pockets carefully push pieces of garlic and carrots. The more it will be possible to make pockets in meat, the more tasty it will turn out. If a steak rather big, or you didn't manage to fill it the day before, it is possible to roll in pieces of garlic in salt and after that to push in cuts. Also, at a lack of time, it is possible to make injections with salt solution. For this purpose prepare rather strong saline solution — on taste it has to even taste bitter slightly. Take him in the disposable medical syringe with a needle, present yourself the physician and give to future boiled pork a series of injections.
3. The surface of meat can be rubbed with spices to own taste and to salt (taking into account salt which you already used when you forced meat). Optimum the black sprinkling pepper or mix from four types of pepper approaches.
4. Densely inwrap boiled pork in a food foil and put on a baking tray or in a heat resisting form. Pay attention: usually the foil has opaque and mirror surfaces. When roasting any products are recommended to be turned so that the opaque party appeared outside, and mirror I adjoined to a product. Instead of a foil it is possible to use a package or "sleeve" for roasting. They are made of special heat-tolerant transparent material.
5. Place meat in an oven. We calculate approximate preparation time by a formula: 1 hour on each kilogram of a product + 30-40 minutes. Thus, the steak weighing 1.5 kg will spend about 2 hours in an oven. It is possible to make sure of readiness of a dish if to make a deep cut. When pressing the transparent light meat fluid has to follow if liquid of pink or red color — meat isn't ready yet. That the nice crust turned out, approximately in 10-15 minutes until the end of roasting the foil needs to be developed accurately. That meat during this time didn't dry up, it is possible to water each 5 minutes it from above with the formed juice.
6. Beautifully to cut boiled pork, meat needs to be cooled. Hot, it will collapse on separate fibers. The charm of this recipe consists that meat can be served as in hot, and cold.