What to prepare from a chokeberry

What to prepare from a chokeberry

Chokeberry or aroniya – the berry delivered to Europe in the 18th century from North America. Its began to land in Russia at first in the decorative purposes, and in the 20th century the aroniya became widespread as fruit and a herb. Brilliant black fruits of this high bush, juicy and tart on taste, contain a well of vitamins; they can be dried and frozen for the winter, to do compotes, jam, jams, at the same time their medicinal properties remain.

Useful properties of a chokeberry and their application

Besides that the chokeberry has refined and unusual taste, it still has medicinal properties. It contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.

The use of a fresh chokeberry, in the form of juice, compote and other house preparations is useful at diabetes, at excess of cholesterol, a hypertension. The chokeberry has therapeutic effect at anemia, the lowered immunity, some vascular diseases accompanied with the increased permeability and fragility of vessels.

At undoubted advantage of an aroniya it isn't recommended to use it in pure form and it products to the hypotensive persons and people having ulcer of stomach and (or) duodenum and also gastritis with excessive acidity.

This plant unpretentious, well maintaining winter, resistant to various wreckers and not bad growing on any soil therefore it is liked to be landed in gardens. Aroniya is brought together in the fall, maintaining to frosts, then it is especially tasty. It is good to prepare dried or dried fruits of a chokeberry for the winter. It is possible to dry them, having just scattered a layer, or in an oven at a temperature not higher than 60 wasps.

If fruits correctly dried, their color will become cerise. If berries gained brown or red-brown color, it means that vitamin P decayed and fruits won't have medicinal effect.

From a chokeberry it is possible to prepare juice with pulp or without it, having boiled it at a temperature of 60 wasps of minutes of 20 until berries are softened. Then berries need to be pounded and if pulp isn't necessary, to wring out a thick through a gauze. When cook, add 100 g of water on 1 kg of berries. For sweet juice at first berries fall asleep with sugar at the rate of 1.5 kg of sugar for 1 kg of fruits, and then do the same. Naturally, before any procedure of berry clean from branches, touch and wash. It is necessary to adhere to the specified temperature to keep vitamins and medicinal properties of a plant.

Chokeberry jam

Jam from an aroniya turns out incredibly tasty, and also almost all vitamins remain. There are many various fallen in love ways of jam making. As taste of fruits tart, often cook it with plum, apple, there is a recipe where instead of water use apple juice for syrup. As a rule, all berries are cooked not for long in order that they weren't wrinkled, kept the taste and useful properties. Ingredients: - 1 kg of berries of a chokeberry; - 1.3 kg of sugar; - 1 glass of water. It is necessary to touch and wash berries, then to blanch 7 minutes in an amount of water, necessary for syrup. Take out berries from water in other ware, in this water to prepare syrup. As soon as syrup begins to boil, to shift in it berries and to cook on small fire of 10-15 minutes after boiling. Allow to cool down, leave at several o'clock. Then to allow to boil even minutes 15. Jam is ready. Now it is necessary to spread out it hot in well sterilized banks and to twirl.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
