Calendula: from what helps also that treats as it is used in the medical purposes

Calendula: from what helps also that treats as it is used in the medical purposes

The calendula belongs to those plants which you will not confuse with any others. This look perfectly proved as a decorative flower which with big hunting is grown up not one decade. The graceful appearance of a plant gives a special refined look even to the simplest bed, and it is no wonder that this look became the real classics of domestic floriculture.

But, unfortunately, not many of us know that the calendula found the application and in traditional medicine. Means from this flower are useful to both big, and little patients. And it is not surprising as their positive impact on an organism promotes effective fight against many widespread diseases against minimal risks of side effects that is confirmed in dozens of clinical trials. Therefore today we decided to slightly open the mystery of this flower and its medicinal properties and also to find out finally, than the calendula both can be useful to women, and to men.

The calendula has the rich chemical composition in which the secret of its curative impact on human health consists. As a part of this plant are revealed: alkaloids, carotinoids, polyphenols, polysaccharides, bitterness, pitch, slime, important organic acids, essential oil, flavonoids, phytoncides, saponins, ascorbic and salicylic acids. Besides, the calendula is rich with tannins, triterpenoida, fat oils, inulin and triterpenovy glycosides which are derivatives of oleanolovy acid.

Whether you know? In Ancient India the calendula was one of the most esteemed plants (Krishna's flower, a symbol of happiness and good luck). Decorated with this flower everywhere statues of the Indian Saints and deities. The tradition remained up to now.

Pharmacological qualities of this plant, first of all, are caused by its rich chemical composition and a unique ratio of components among themselves. Their main medicinal properties for an organism consist in the following therapeutic influence:

  • ability to oppression of the inflammatory centers in bodies and fabrics;
  • the high healing impact on affected areas of fabrics of external covers and internals;
  • the powerful oppressing action on microorganisms of groups of stafilokokk and streptococci (antibacterial effect);
  • antigipertenzionny influence which promotes long remission of hypertensia and normalization of warm activity;
  • intensification of recovery processes at diseases of an urinogenital system and processes of outflow of bile;
  • easy sedative influence on an organism, at conditions of hyperexcitability of nervous system;
  • positive influence on acceleration of processes of metabolism and removal of toxins from an organism.

Whether you know? The antistress effect of a calendula was noticed a lot more centuries back. So, in Europe, in the 16th century for a raising of mood it was accepted to eat on an empty stomach a small amount of jam from petals of this flower.

Today the calendula is used for production of a set of pharmacological medicines. On the basis of extracts from this plant make various ointments, tablets and extracts. Besides, the calendula is issued also in the form of dry raw materials for preparation of medicines of house medicine. But the greatest popularity among our compatriots was gained by the following medicines from this flower:

  1. Kaleflon is the tablets made on the basis of raw materials of a calendula flower. Medicine is shown for treatment of ulcers and gastritises and also in the bile-expelling purposes at pathologies of a liver and conductivity of bilious channels.
  2. Calendula oil — the antiseptic and disinfecting medicine appointed for external application at burns, cuts, stings of insects, inflammatory diseases of skin and other pathologies of the top covers.
  3. Calendula ointment — means is used at cuts, burns, bruises and other injuries of skin.
  4. Calendula cream is medicine which is applied at treatment of frostbites, bruises and cuts.
  5. Tablets KN — medicine is used at treatment of inoperable malignant tumors of a GIT. Means makes powerful intoxication impact on a human body.
  6. Kalendula-P — medicine in the tableted form which makes the antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, healing impact.
  7. Rotokan is the combined medicine which is appointed for treatment of heart diseases, a hypertension and neurosises.

Whether you know? The calendula is one of the most effective plants antagonists of rather Colorado beetle. Once you only sow a flower around a potato plantation, and population of this insect decreases many times.

As it was mentioned above, the calendula belongs to those plants which still are since ancient times used in various areas and for the various economic purposes. Most widely this flower is used in cosmetology, medicine and cookery.

Various cosmetology means from a calendula of house production are known to our compatriots for not one decade. Today extracts of this plant do not lose the popularity and all are also actively used for care for appearance. Cosmetic products which are based on this flower have the antioxidant, rejuvenating and calming properties. Both as a part of hair preparations, and in the form of fresh broth, the calendula causes the restoring impact on indumentum and gives to hair healthy appearance and silkiness. As a part of the nutritious and moisturizing creams the plant makes the rejuvenating and restoring impact on skin cells, promotes smoothing of old wrinkles and prevention of emergence of new.

Most widely the calendula found the application in therapeutic practice. Throughout not one century the flower is actively used for treatment of diseases of integuments, pathologies of a cardiovascular system, bodies of a GIT, an urinogenital and respiratory system. The certain place should be allocated to application of tincture, ointments or broths of a calendula in gynecology. Women actively use a plant for effective elimination of manifestations of an erosion of a neck and a cavity of a uterus, at fungal diseases, colpitises, a climax and violations of microflora of external genitals, painful periods.

Learn what vitamins contain in a dogrose, a barberry, a thyme, cornflowers, a sage and a St. John's wort.

Very few people know, but the calendula belongs to quite juicy ingredients which use for preparation of dishes of both high, and daily kitchen. In spite of the fact that application of this flower in food is a novelty of the last years, dishes from a calendula enjoy quite good popularity. From it prepare as garnishes and salads, and use a flower as spicy spice to fish, meat, salads and soups. But drinks from this plant in the form of boiled compotes with a light and pleasant aroma enjoy special popularity. Besides, in recent time found high popularity and the tea from a calendula having huge advantage for an organism and total absence of harm for it.

Extracts of a calendula hold a specific place in traditional medicine. Active agents of a plant give the chance to cope almost completely with many diseases of bodies and the systems of the person. For these purposes from a flower prepare broths, infusions, ointments and other various extracts. Let's consider the most popular recipes in more detail.

Broth from a calendula is universal national medicine which is used for treatment of a set of diseases. Most widely this means is applied to simplification of a course of gastritis, treatment of catarrhal diseases and a raising of the general immunity. In making a calendula in broth for drink, there is nothing difficult as this process absolutely simple. For this purpose 2 tablespoons of flowers should fill in with two glasses of water and to boil on small fire about 30 minutes then mix should be cooled and filtered. It is necessary to accept such broth three times a day in the amount of about 80-100 ml.

Important! It is necessary to store broth from a calendula no more than 2 days as after 48 hours it instantly loses the useful qualities.

Infusion of flowers from a calendula perfectly helps from a tonsillitis and cough and also gives the chance to cope with nervousness and a bad dream. That to prepare it, the teaspoon of dry flowers needs to be filled in with a glass of water and to sustain before full cooling then to filter. At a tonsillitis broth is used for rinsing of a throat by about 2-3 times a day, for improvement of an emotional state such infusion is used on 1 tablespoon by 3 times a day and also before going to bed.

Calendula tincture on alcohol helps with treatment of elevated pressure, from catarrhal diseases and also for healing of wounds. In order that to prepare it, in the glass vessel it is necessary to fill densely plant flowers to the very top then raw materials should be filled in with vodka before its full treatment. Mix is infused by 2 weeks in the dry, dark place then carefully filter. At a hypertension such medicine is shown in quantity from 20 drops to 1 tablespoon (concentration is gradually increased) on a glass of water 2-3 times a day. At catarrhal diseases or stomatitises the rinsing is shown. In 500 ml of water it is necessary to part 1 tsp of tincture, the procedure is carried out by 2-3 times a day.

Most of our compatriots still do not know about existence of ointment from a calendula and do not represent what it is applied to. Means is actively used for elimination of an intertrigo on skin of babies and also at varicosity. To prepare ointment, it is necessary to fill in a half-glass of dry flowers with a glass of visceral fat or 4 tablespoons of vaseline. Mix is put on a water bath, warmed up about 20 minutes, and further cooled and filtered. It is recommended to grease with such means integuments about 3 times a day.

Oily extracts of a flower in traditional medicine use for treatment of cuts, burns, bruises and bruises. To prepare oil, in the glass vessel on 3/4 of its volumes it is necessary to fill up plant flowers then plentifully to fill in with olive oil and to insist in the dry, dark and cool place not less than 10 days. After that liquid should be filtered. Apply such means to greasing of problem sites of skin not less than 3 times a day.

Tea from a calendula helps to cope with gastritises, infectious and inflammatory processes in an organism and also strengthens the general immunity. It is very simple to prepare it, it is not more difficult, than usual tea: 1 tablespoons of flowers fill in 200-250 ml of boiled water. Drink is drunk by 2-3 times a day. After a zavarivaniye the means can be halved and stored in the fridge before the following reception.

Important! The teas made from a calendula, infusions and broths should be stored in the fridge, otherwise in 24 hours all their merits will disappear. For increase in therapeutic effect infusions and broths are recommended to be warmed up slightly up to the temperature, it is not above +40 °C.

All elevated part of a calendula is suitable for the medical purposes, however the greatest number of useful substances is concentrated in flower inflorescences. Therefore traditionally collect this site and it is exclusive during active blossoming of a plant. The fertile period for this process is rather big as blossoming at a look lasts from the middle of June, up to the first days of October. Prepare a plant in dry and clear days, at about noon. The greatest preference should be given to the blossomed flowers. Preparation of a stalk of narrow temporary borders has no therefore this part of a vegetable organism can be collected throughout all vegetative period, up to emergence of the first frosts.

Important! For collecting a plant it is necessary to choose sites, remote from the urban environment. Preparation of raw materials near cemeteries, motor transportation roads and manufacturing enterprises is strictly forbidden.

Dry raw materials in dark, dry and spacious rooms with excellent ventilation. Fragments of a plant display a thin layer on a laying from fabric or paper. At will, drying can be carried out also in special devices, however temperature in +50 °C at the same time should not be exceeded. After drying it is necessary to reject unsuitable parts. The broken-up flower baskets, rough stalks, leaves with uncharacteristic color belong to them.

There is not a lot of contraindications at this plant. Outwardly means from a calendula are applied at any age and the state of health of the person. Exceptions are made by people with individual intolerance of highly active components. But the use of a calendula orally has a number of contraindications. First of all, on the basis of extracts from this flower it is necessary to refuse means during pregnancy, at the lowered arterial blood pressure, pathologies of heart connected with bradycardia or decrease in heart rate. As for the general harm from a flower, It should be noted that in the established norms and concentration of means from a calendula, the plant does not make collateral impacts for a human body. Today we in details understood that is represented by tincture and other extracts of a calendula as to part them and to apply to rinsing of a throat, treatment of a SARS and other diseases. It is one of the few plants which has the guaranteed positive impact on a human body therefore on its basis prepare medicines as in national, and traditional medicine. But in order that treatment by a calendula was for the good, but not to the detriment, it is necessary to meet fixedly all necessary conditions of application and concentration of medicines.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
