Rates of modern life are that that often there is not enough time for improvement simply. The organism long suffers such attitude towards itself, but sooner or later begins to give disturbing signals. One of such calls — increase in level of cholesterol in blood. Let's look what medicines are designed to fight against this phenomenon.
What is it in general?
Statins call the gipolipidimichesky medicines designed to reduce the level of lipids. In other words, their specialization — lowering of the level of cholesterol in blood that allows to prevent emergence of a number of diseases of a cardiovascular system or to accelerate their treatment.
Reception of such means improves a condition of an inside layer of vessels even at the very beginning of cholesteric stratifications (even if atherosclerosis is not diagnosed yet). Moreover, statins regulate viscosity of blood that considerably reduces risk of thrombosis and its complications.
Mechanism of effect of medicines
For a start there is a little physiology. Physicians know that 80% of cholesterol in our organism are produced by a liver whereas the rest is the share of food. Transfer of cholesterol from a liver to fabrics is a function of lipoproteins of different density (low it is inherent in bad cholesterol, and high — good).
Important! Statins slightly increase the content of sugar in blood (by 1-2 mmol/l). Physical activities help to remove this effect and it is low - a carbohydrate diet. If diabetes of the I type is diagnosed for the person, prick a little more insulin.
Violation of quite fragile balance between these elements also leads to formation of plaques. The situation is aggravated by consumption of greasy food, addictions and stresses which badly affect work of a liver.
Just statins also work with it. They block the enzyme (GMK-KoA-reduktaza) allowing this body to synthesize cholesterol. As a result of the last becomes less, and the balance gradually returns to normal. At the same time the direct and return metabolism in a sheaf liver fabric improves. Moreover, such medicines are capable to split fatty tissues that is useful for the people predisposed to the increased concentration of cholesterol.
Types of statin
All offered statins belong to 4 generations. They differ on the nature of impact on fat fractions, as defines their dosage at treatment.
Most often the following names occur in the prescriptions written by cardiologists:
- simvastatin — means of the I generation, well is accepted by intestines. The maximum concentration in plasma is noted in 70-140 minutes after reception and gradually decreases for the subsequent half-day. In drugstores is implemented as Vastatin, Zosta, Zokor, Simgal or Simvahexal;
- its analog — lovastatin, at reception in the maximum allowed doses reduces cholesterol content by 32%. On its base, means Mevakor and Lovakor, Lovasterol and Lovastatin-KMP are issued;
- pravastatin in the form of colourless crystal powder. It is more effective — peak contents is reached already 1-1.5 hours later after reception. It is also known as Lipostat;
- fluvastatin (the II generation). White or pale yellow powder, is well dissolved in water. 37% are taken for the maximum lowering action on cholesterol. In drugstores is on sale also under the name Leksol;
- even more powerful atorvastatin (the III generation, up to-42% of the initial level of lipoproteid). Even at single reception of these tablets substance affects enzymes within 20-30 hours. Medicinal names — Atoris, Atokor, Liprimar, Lipikor, Storvas and Torvadak;
- rosuvastatin (the IV generation, at most-56%). Its action amplifies a number of excipients which contain in tablets (from corn starch to derivatives of sodium and silicon). It is acquired slowly — till 5 o'clock though it is compensated by strong effect. Commodity brands — Mertenil and Krestor.
Whether you know? The world learned about curative properties of similar substances in 1976, and already 11 years later in the American clinics officially allowed to apply lovastatin.
Having got acquainted with these medicines, many can think that there is nothing cunning in their use, apparently — to take the most powerful structure enough. But doctors note inadmissibility and even danger of such approach: not percent, but safety of means for the specific patient are taken into account.
In what advantage and when they are appointed
Besides decrease in level of cholesterol, all these medicines have also other useful qualities, namely:
- tone up and expand vessels (due to stimulation of production of nitrogen oxide);
- diluting blood, prevent appearance of blood clots;
- help to remove inflammation of walls of vessels;
- in the presence of atherosclerotic plaques do not allow them to expand;
- against the background of sharp avitaminosis cover the need for some connections;
- promote fast restoration after the undergone heart surgery or vessels.
We recommend to read as also hypovitaminosis is shown gipervitaminoz.
Such spectrum of action caused broad application of statin in medicine. The main sphere of use — fight against a hypercholesterolemia (so on science call the excessive content of cholesterol).
Here the revealed disease stage is important. Statins undertake for work with patients for whom the IIa and IIb forms are diagnosed (as in primary, and inherited look), and the previous 3-month dietotherapy did not yield result.
Similar means without fail include in a course of treatment of a number of diseases:
- atherosclerosis;
- arterial hypertension with a high probability of development of deeper defeats;
- aneurysms of a belly aorta;
- ischemic disease of big degree (at the disturbing forecast concerning a heart attack or a stroke);
- sharp coronary syndrome;
- damages of coronary arteries of any location (in case the stenosis exceeds 50%);
- fresh heart attack or stroke;
- diabetes against the background of an ischemic disease.
They are so-called straight lines or absolute indications. It is possible to add to them also the period of preparation or restoration after aortocoronary shunting and other reconstructive operations in heart and coronary ways.
Important! At clarification of primary diagnosis of the first the dietotherapy with participation of cod-liver oil, haricot, boiled fish and low-fat meat like chicken meat is appointed. If there is no notable effect — medicines are used.
Among relative indications are designated:
- age. So, statins can be recommended to people 40 years are more senior if doctors have fears about health of their cardiovascular system;
Learn what vitamins are useful to heart and vessels.
- heredity (more true, sudden кардио - the death of close relatives at patients are younger than 50 years);
- the stenocardia in an unstable form noted in the anamnesis;
- obesity;
- diabetes (1 and 2 types) without ischemia.
Of course, here carry also the small probability of a heart attack — to the person with rather good health will hardly unambiguously recommend to accept the strengthened doses of these medicines.
Whether there is a harm?
As well as any medicines, statins have the contraindications and side effects. The decision on their reception and a dosage is accepted only by the doctor — self-treatment can aggravate a problem only.
Reception of statin is prohibited if are observed or earlier took place:
- individual intolerance of structure or allergic reaction;
- functional violations of a liver in a sharp form (cirrhosis, hepatitis and t.p);
- heavy pathologies of kidneys;
- hormonal imbalance, stable on time, against the background of diseases of a thyroid gland;
- system violations of nervous system;
- osteoporosis;
- diabetes.
Vitamins promote the normal growth of cages and development of all organism. Learn what vitamins are necessary sick diabetes and for strengthening of nervous system.
Also the age of the patient — to children up to 12 years is important and to patients is more senior 75 it is impossible to use these medicines (because of risk of strong notable effects).
The extra care should be shown to potential women in labor. The fact is that statins are forbidden to reception at a pregnancy planning stage, not to mention a threshold of childbirth. The ban concerns also the breastfeeding period. On that is the reasons — strong substance, getting into mother's organism, creates additional load of the major bodies. For the kid it is fraught with serious pathologies, a delay in intellectual development and even death.
Side effects
Probability of their manifestation — about 1-2%. Many of them are connected with reaction of a GIT to a tablet that can pour out in vomiting or nausea, a meteorizm or diarrhea.
Important! Seeking to save, many prefer not original medicines, but the same generics. Doing such replacement, surely learn where means is released: the structures made in Europe are considered as the best (it is better to avoid the Indian analogs).
Here carry also headache attacks and also feeling of sharp weakness. The last can become a harbinger of stronger feelings similar to symptoms of a SARS or flu. It is about muscle pain and a fever, temperature increase and congestion of a nose.
The mistake with a dose can turn back also such difficulties as:
- dizziness (especially in the evening);
- the increased perspiration;
- numbness of extremities;
- in the presence of chronic arthrosis or arthritis ligament and joints pains amplify, also hypostases of legs are not excluded;
- emergence on skin of the itching rash;
- in difficult cases reaches sexual frustration, the speeded-up urination, short-term amnesia and heartaches.
Fortunately, they meet seldom, but it is worth remembering them nevertheless.
Whether you know? Per day in an organism 25 g of blood are updated.
All these effects are united by dynamics: duration fluctuates of several minutes till 3-4 o'clock. More serious and system complications like destruction of muscle cells or an exudative eritema are observed in isolated cases.
Reception of statin: whether at once it is necessary to agree with the doctor?
Those who thinks of the use of statin should remember — the course of treatment is appointed only by the cardiologist, only after diagnostics and acquaintance to the anamnesis.
Naturally, such prescriptions are not written by eye: for a start it is necessary to take three times a blood test on the biochemical analysis (at the first visit to the doctor, a week later after that and in 3 months after a dietotherapy).
Having results of tests, surely pay attention to the figures specified in them. If the general level of cholesterol exceeded 6 mmol/l, then probably statins will be recommended. For the people suffering from heart troubles and vessels, this figure makes 5 mmol on the same volume. The raised indicators will be a direct occasion to define treatment tactics. Seeing that the doctor decided to register statins, try to find out some moments:
- In what advantage of concrete medicine for you?
- Whether its reception is connected with side effects and what forms they can take?
- These medicines are how compatible to other drugs (if those are accepted)?
- How many the course of treatment will last and whether periodic breaks in the use are necessary?
- At last, whether there is an extreme need in application of statin and their replacement by different ways of treatment is how real?
Important! It is good to tell the doctor about the menu (including drinks). It is connected with the fact that some juice, especially grapefruit, interacting with products of an exit of statin, can provoke notable toxic reaction.
The experienced cardiologist will give the answer to all these questions, without avoiding at the same time to tell about possible difficulties. But in such dialogue also the patient has to share information.
Notify the doctor about:
- results of analyses;
- allergies to medicines;
- the postponed diseases (especially chronic violations of kidneys, liver and thyroid gland);
- drug intake, without having forgotten to call them at the same time;
- pregnancy or breastfeeding;
- hereditary factor (if relatives had serious problems with health).
Only having received a full picture of the state of health, the cardiologist will pick up suitable medicines and effective, but at the same time a soft dosage.
Statins as treatment: all pros and cons
Despite all advantage of these means, among physicians disputes on their expediency do not cease. Many doctors ask an edge at all: and whether it is possible to accept them in general? Patients have, as usual, the view of this discussion.
To understand arguments pro and counterarguments, we will present them in the list form.
Whether you know? Total length of the blood vessels penetrating a human body is 96 thousand kilometers.
Arguments pro reception of statin
- Decline in mortality from warm problems for 40%.
- The risk of appearance of a stroke or heart attack decreases by 30%.
- At constant application reduce cholesterol level by 40-55% of rather primary concentration.
- Reduce risk of an ischemic disease at healthy people with the increased amount of cholesterol.
- At competent reception almost do not load a kidney: an exit is carried out through a liver.
- Are well acquired by an organism that it is relevant for people of different age.
- The majority of medicines drink 1 time a day.
- The wide choice of medicines allows to pick up softer or available analog.
- Are suitable for treatment of a hereditary hypercholesterolemia.
contra their reception
- Quite large number of contraindications, in particular chronic diseases of a liver.
- Are not used for treatment of children 12 years and elderly people are younger.
- High (up to 2%) the probability of side effects among which there are many serious complications.
- For stable and notable effect the reception is necessary long (at least 4-5 months). It increases risk of side effect.
- During pregnancy and chest feeding are capable to cause violations in development of the child.
- Often they cannot be combined with other medicines.
- Adjusting a metabolism, can lead to obesity and start of diabetes.
- At the regular use, jumps of level of cholesterol in blood are observed that affects health.
Whether you know? Doctors note that the number of people with the increased cholesterol level already half a century as declines. If in 1960-hkh this problem was noted at every third adult (33%), then by 2007 this figure decreased twice — to 16%.
This list is enough that many thought — and whether really to bring down cholesterol without participation of these drugs.
How to lower cholesterol without tablets
It is quite real task. However, for some it can seem difficult, it is necessary to reconsider the habits and a diet. But the end result is worth it.
Way of life
All comes down to simple preventive measures — more movement and walks in the fresh air, continuous, but moderate physical activities (of course, with a careful eye to health). Start run or driving the bicycle, having convinced of total absence of painful feelings and stabilization of pressure. Such useful habits should getting from the youth, with age their advantage will be even more obvious. A peculiar boundary in this plan the age in 40-45 years is considered. To a mobile way of life it is necessary to add other improving factors to this period:
- replacement of fat meat with vegetables and fruit (full or partial);
- refusal of products like the fat or condensed milk loading digestive system. Moreover, they act as suppliers of fat in blood;
- reduction of number of portions;
- — instead of one, but big on the volume of intake of liquid several less impressive receptions are better to make stabilization of the drinking mode;
- it is less than portions of coffee or tea (at the same time try to minimize presence of sugar at them).
Important! In improving food the correct heat treatment has exclusive value. If you love exotic products, do not hesitate to ask the seller as it is correct to boil them or to dry.
As you can see, there are no special cunnings here — it will be required unless self-checking and desire to be healthy.
Natural statins
Also products which owing to the structure accelerate a conclusion of excess cholesterol from an organism will help with it. The effect will be fuller if to include in the menu:
- cabbage, sweet pepper, citrus fruits and also berries of blackcurrant and sea-buckthorn (all of them are rich with ascorbic acid);
- the vegetable oils and red fish filling the need for irreplaceable fatty acids, including an omega-3;
- nuts and low-fat meat — in them there is a lot of RR vitamin;
- dishes with participation of cereal and bean cultures, apples and carrots (these are the main sources of pectin);
- ginger and turmeric in reasonable quantities;
- grapes (it is obligatory with a skin, in which the mass of resveratrol).
Bad cholesterol is also capable to be removed: wheat germ oil, blackberry, corn porridge, black tea, urbech, soaked apples and soy.
In prevention of cardiovascular diseases one more dish which was known still by our ancestors — the bread with bran flavored with garlic glove is necessary by the way. Works smoothly.
Now you represent what is statins what they happen and for what are necessary. We hope, this information is useful unless for acquaintance, and the need for treatment will disappear thanks to prevention and an active way of life. Well more all of optimism!