Many dream of the pool on the country site; let it will be not huge reservoir, but small convenient font. The main thing that was where to plunge into midday sun. The good pool always needs qualitative waterproofing which can be equipped, having simple skills and knowledge.
Absolute majority of stationary pools construct on the basis of concrete - reliable and durable material. However it possesses essential shortcoming at its use as basis under the pool; concrete passes water. It is possible to get rid of this minus in only one way – to carry out qualitative, multilateral waterproofing which will prevent water leak. Apply 2 methods to realization of similar process.
One of the easiest and inexpensive ways of waterproofing – use of PVC of film from 1st to 1.5 mm thick. The film differs in absolute water tightness, "is indifferent" to low temperature, well is cleaned, washes. Before laying film, spread geotextiles on bowl bottom, it is necessary for prevention of formation of condensate. The complexity of mounting (it is necessary to weld seams) and small term of operation belongs to minuses of similar method of waterproofing: 7-10 years.
The pool waterproofing executed by means of the getting structures and latex membrane is considered more effective. In this case special coating mix which turns into the elastic film which is tightening various cracks and well resisting to fungal infections, bacteria subsequently is used. Before putting the getting mix carefully dry pool bowl. During plastering pay special attention to corners, places of joint of walls and floor. You make plastering in 2 layers, each of which has to have thickness from 2.5 to 4 cm. One more method assumes use of liquid rubber, liquid glass. The last option represents solution which part various bitumens which have undergone cleaning, polymers are. At the same time as the catalyst serves calcium chloride. The similar covering well resists to influence of chemicals, corrosion. On processing of 1 sq.m about 3 kg of liquid glass leave. Before works it is also necessary to dry all bowl. From shortcomings of this material it is possible to note sensitivity to ultraviolet; however, if at finishing stage to cover surface with special structure, then liquid glass will not react to sunlight.
It is necessary for protection against underground waters. Most often use bituminous materials, for example roofing material. Good results can achieve when drawing 2-3, and even 4 layers. Sometimes as protection use panels from betonitovy clay, is more rare – geotextile membranes. If underground waters are not enough, then it is possible to apply charge. In that case as filling material the clay soil, asfaltoizol, hydrophobic sand or other similar material is used.