Besides the correct cultivation it is necessary to take care also of the correct preservation of good harvest for longer term. In many vegetables only fresh all useful vitamins for human body remain. Not exception is also the white cabbage.
The Lezhkost of white cabbage depends first of all on grade. At storage it is impossible to mix different grades because the head of cabbage of less lezhky grade can be the center of infection with decay among heads of cabbage of more lezhky grade. Therefore during cleaning of heads of cabbage it is required to sort them. It will also be more convenient for cooking.
On long storage select only mature heads of cabbage which have no outer defects. If heads of cabbage have cracked or are struck with fungal diseases, then they will not be suitable for long storage.
Cabbage is collected on storage late fall, without allowing excessive freezing of heads of cabbage. It is the best of all to do it in dry weather when plants dry and will not be damp. Heads of cabbage cut off together with stump and several covering leaves. These will allow to protect in the future cabbage from infection with diseases and from various mechanical damages. At bookmark on storage the heads of cabbage leave for some time in small small groups that external leaves have a little faded and further did not break.
Cabbage can be stored in various ways depending on availability of your opportunities in house conditions. Ideal parameters of its storage are: air temperature of 0-2 degrees above zero and air humidity of 90%. At lower temperature after otmorazhivaniye on it dark stains will be noticeable, and at higher cabbage will begin to sprout and will become unsuitable for cooking. And the increased humidity negatively affects lezhkost of cabbage and most likely, will lead to development of fungal diseases including decayed. Therefore the place for storage of fresh cabbage has to be equipped with high-quality ventilation.
Cabbage can be stored in various places: in the basement, cellar, trench, shoulders. In basements and cellars for storage use the special racks located at the height more than 20 cm from floor. Also cabbage can be put in wooden leaky boxes, with good produvayemost. Usually on racks the cabbage is stacked in the form of pyramid in several layers. Internal heads of cabbage have stumps outside, and external – inside.
If there is not a lot of cabbage, then it is suspended for stumps to ceiling or special crossbeam at some distance from each other.
At the time of storage the cabbage is very subject to various diseases. Therefore before bookmark it can be oprysnut solution of slaked lime or chalk in proportion 1:3, that is one part of solution and three parts of cabbage.
Weekly check the postponed heads of cabbage for their visual examination. In case of decay or mold it is necessary to separate immediately the struck cabbage from healthy. First of all for cooking use the darkened heads of cabbage.