House roses – the fine copies of the garden relatives surprising with variety of forms and color gamma. However, despite beauty and pleasant aroma of these flowers, not each hostess will decide to put their houses, roses – plants quite whimsical. They require great attention and careful leaving.
You should not forget that the rose is wild-growing thermophilic plant. Best of all it transfers the summer period. In the summer and it is recommended to leave rose in the fresh air, for example, on the balcony or at open window late spring. It is also necessary to watch that on plant beams of the scorching sun did not get, otherwise it will turn yellow and will wither.
In the winter the rose is at rest. For its comfortable existence during this period temperature of the room should not exceed 15-17 degrees. In cold time it is necessary to fence off flower from batteries and heaters.
The room in which there is rose has to be well lit. In winter season the daylight can be compensated by artificial lighting.
The rose comfortably feels at high humidity, however you should not pour plant. Watering of rose needs to be carried out tap water, previously otstoyanny within a day. Water temperature has to be about 15-20 degrees.
If the soil strongly dries up in summertime, it is necessary to water plant in the morning and in the evening, leaves can be sprayed with cool water. Spraying is recommended to carry out 2-3 times a week.
The most suitable time for change of house rose – late fall. It is possible to replace plant also in the spring, but in this case it will blossom only the next year. Before direct change it is necessary to pave the way. The soil for room rose has to contain 4 parts of the cespitose earth, 4 parts of humus and 1 part of sand. It is necessary to replace flower very accurately, without injuring leaves and roots.
At observance of all basic rules of care for house rose, the flower comfortably will feel indoors and will surely decorate house interior beautiful magnificent with flowers.