How to construct tent of make-shifts

How to construct tent of make-shifts

To spend night in the fresh air in self-made tent – not only the forced need for the lost traveler, the keen fisherman or the hunter. For the fan of "wild" tourism it will become the real adventure. The ability to make the dwelling of make-shifts is useful for registration of the seasonal dacha or fascinating childish sports. At certain skill, it is possible to put up framework and walls less, than for hour.

It is required to you

  • - thick poles for framework;
  • - thin boughs for rafters;
  • - flexible branches;
  • - flooring for walls and floor (grass, cane, moss, etc.);
  • - sticks bear spears;
  • - axe;
  • - rope, tent, polyethylene (whenever possible).


1. Find the suitable place for construction of tent. It is important to define the direction of wind not to make entrance to the shelter from the windward side. It is good if natural protection is near (thickets, the hill and other). Also many trees, plants and various brushwood have to be near.

2. Clear away the basis under canopy. Remove stones, branches, and if necessary cut hatchet the turf. In the dry place will be to make floor of branches and grass enough. If it is necessary to be engaged in construction jobs in extreme conditions of the marshland, previously make stove bench.

3. Hammer two couples of stakes bear spears (doubled at top), having built them in the area of rectangle. Lay across on the doubled "horns" two thin, but strong wood trunks and lay stove bench framework the poles connected among themselves, then – branches of broad-leaved breeds (or fir twigs) and grass.

4. Start production of framework of tent. For the dwelling in the form of dome it is necessary to put several support from thick branches on perimeter of future floor and to connect tops ropes and if they are absent – flexible rods.

5. Quickly it is possible to make the shelter like Indian wigwam, using tree trunk as the main support. In this case branches should be cut down on the necessary height, to place long poles around alignment and to fasten from above.

6. You can make other option of framework of two strong bear spears and cross pole. Support need to be driven strong in the earth (almost on 1/3 part of length), at distance about 2 m from each other. From above put horizontal support for future slope.

7. Make rafters, having put on tent framework thin boughs at an angle of 45-60 degrees. To record poles, bind them flexible rods (ropes).

8. Lay roof and back wall of tent from below top, as when laying tile: the top row has to lie with an overlap, half closing underlying layer. If to make everything on the contrary (to lay flooring from top to down), it is possible to get wet in the rain – moisture will linger on roof, but will not flow down down.

9. Use as "tile" suitable make-shifts – the cane connected in bunches, branches with leaves, the turf, moss and other. The wall from the windward side is recommended to be imposed with additional flooring.

10. It is fine if you have big cut of polyethylene film or not blown moisture resistant tent - it will be necessary only to throw with panel framework and to press edges stones.

11. The game tent at the playground or in garden can be constructed by the same principle. As flooring it is possible to use the boards, veneer sheets or the spread-out cardboard packing boxes impregnated with paraffin for moisture-proofness.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
