Midges - one of the main enemies of housewives. If there was one, then it is necessary to prick up the ears at once. They breed instantly and bring large number of efforts. It is very difficult to bring these importunate insects, but, in principle, it is possible. There are several effective ways which will help to get rid of midges.
1. For a start it is necessary to establish the reason of appearance of insects in the house. There is midge fruit. It eats organic matters, respectively, lives about vegetables and fruit. All products, especially that are bought in the market it is worth checking, thoroughly to wash and accurately to store. One decayed orange can lead to unpleasant consequences. Also there are mushroom komarik which too usually rank as midges. They love dampness and moisture and live in the soil of houseplants. Midges can fly through open window or door therefore it is possible to be reinsured and hang up special grid in advance.
2. So, you have defined the nature of problem and now are ready to understand as to fight against it. Define the habitat of midges and try to remove the reason. If it is the decayed fruit, it will be easy to find it, but midges have feature well to hide. Wash sink, touch all packings with grain. Perhaps, will have even to clean water pipes as on their walls there can be food pieces which attract insects.
3. If room midges were got in the soil of plant, it is possible to remove them by means of potassium permanganate. Water with small amount of solution the earth. For plant potassium permanganate - fertilizer, and for midges - poison.
4. To trap insects, it is possible to establish flycatcher. Insert piece of the fruit attractive to midges into the cartridge from which the tape is extended, and they will be flown to it. It is possible to make flycatcher most. To put glass of beer for the night and to cover with compact disk. Midges will fly inside, but will not be able to be chosen any more.
5. If the means described above do not result in effective results, can use chemical means. They, definitely, will help to bring wreckers, but for human body are also considered as harmful. Use them accurately and attentively follow the instruction on packing.