The balsam is one of the most unpretentious plants for the house or garden. Other its names-Ogonioks, "vanka wet". It is not difficult to grow up balsams at all as plants do not require special care.
1. Balsams grow up from shanks or seeds. Cut off shoots at adult plant, remove the lower leaves, buds and flowers. Put shanks in the container with water. In 7-10 days on stalks backs will appear.
2. Fill flowerpot with the friable nutritious soil and land shanks. When they take roots and will begin to grow, remove tops. It becomes for acceleration of blossoming and stimulation of kushcheniye. The first flower buds will appear in 2-2.5 months.
3. The second way of cultivation of balsams – from seeds. Plant seeds in damp soil and put to the warm place. After emergence of 2 present sheets replace plants in pots. When balsams grow up and will get stronger, they can be made multiple copies the shanks remaining after prishchipyvaniye.
4. Balsams love water therefore they need to be watered quite often, especially in the summer. Water has to be room temperature. During the winter period provide balsams with sufficient lighting, including artificial light. In the summer of plant it is possible to take out on balcony or to put for window.
5. Time in 2 weeks feed up balsams mineral fertilizers. During blossoming it is necessary to apply medicines with potassium and phosphorus, having limited quantity of nitrogen fertilizers.
6. At the wrong leaving the balsams can ache. The web tick appears if plants are in badly aired and too warm room. That to avoid it, moisten air around balsams. At appearance of web tick place over plants adhesive tape for insects and use insecticides.
7. If on the surface of the soil there was mold, skim and fill a little fresh substrate with addition of large amount of sand. At identification of signs of rotting of balsam take plant from pot, remove the soil from roots, wash them with water and replace in other substrate. If the plant is strongly struck with decay, it is recommended to be cherenkovat.