How to grow up gardenia

How to grow up gardenia

Gardenia zhasminovidny (Gardenia) – ornamental plant with large leathery leaves of elliptic form. Magnificent flowers (mainly white color) are similar to roses or camellias, are very fragrant. Gardenias almost do not tie seeds therefore it is more preferable to grow up them by cherenkovaniye. How it is correct to cherenkovat this plant to receive the full-fledged blossoming gardenia?

It is required to you

  • - gardenia shanks;
  • - korneobrazovaniye stimulator;
  • - soil mix;
  • - capacity for rooting, pots for young plants.


1. Cut shanks during the period from December to March or in August-September. Prepare capacity for rooting. Fill it with vermiculite or mix of peat and sand (1:1). Maintain substrate temperature within 22-24 °C. Dip shanks before landing in the solution or powder stimulating korneobrazovaniye (kornevin, heteroauxin). Rooting has to happen within month.

2. Replace young plants in pots with soil mix (the cespitose and humous earth, peat, sand taken in equal volumes). You prishchipnit tops of shanks. It stimulates branching and will accelerate blossoming of gardenia.

3. Install pots on well lit windowsill. Create optimum temperature condition. In the winter temperature has to be at the level of 14-18 °C. In the summer of plant it is possible to take out on fresh air. However do not place gardenia under direct sunshine. It can cause burns of leaves and buds.

4. Water young gardenias regularly, but it is moderate. Check whether zamokat roots at flower. Spray plants from spray, water of the room temperature better filtered and softened more often. You watch that water at the same time did not get on flowers and buds. During the spring and summer period regularly feed up plants.

5. Blossoming of gardenia begins in 1.5 years from the moment of rooting of shanks. If at flower the subsidence of buds has suddenly begun, it is symptom of the fact that gardenia there is not enough solar lighting or air humidity in the room is very low.

6. As soon as blossoming ends, carry out cutting of escapes and replace plant in new pot. It stimulates formation of new escapes in which upper part the next year buds will appear again.

7. In due time destroy on plants of wreckers (plant louses, tripsa, shchitovka). Often there is enough one spraying by insecticide (detsis, intavir, aktellik).

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
