How to grow up good harvest

How to grow up good harvest

To grow up good harvest, since fall it is necessary to take care of appropriate condition of the soil. Important everything: cleaning from the vegetable remains of the previous harvest, redigging on the shovel pin depth, improvement of drainage properties.

It is required to you

  • shovel, rake, lime, organic and mineral fertilizers


1. Dig over in the fall all beds, pristvolny circles around fruit-trees and bushes. Especially show consideration for the remains of roots of perennial plants. Otherwise they will quickly start in growth in the spring. You introduce mineral fertilizers – potassium and superphosphate. Proportions depend on type of garden cultures. It is senseless to bring nitrogen with autumn redigging.

2. Create optimum structure of the soil since fall. If the soil on the site sandy – bring the clay moved with the peat bog. Close up so that mix connected to the main soil without formation of lumps. What more carefully you will make everything, that grow up the best harvest for the next year. Under fruit-trees and bushes bring the rerotting manure. It is reasonable to bring manure of this year only in the form of liquid fertilizing. Also manure should be brought on those beds where you are going to put root crops and tomatoes in the spring. If you have heavy loamy soil – improve its structure by means of sand. It is better to take fine bank sand, it is the drainage material interfering stagnation of moisture that is important for cultivation of good harvest.

3. Proizvestkuyte the soil with the raised pH indicator. Use up to 500 g of lime on each square meter of the earth. Lime is not compatible to organic fertilizers. Therefore follow the rule: between lime application and introduction of organic chemistry has to take place half a year. It makes sense to lime the soil time in 3-5 years, depending on acidity indicator. On svezheizvestkovanny soils the good harvest is yielded by all species of cabbage.

4. Water the fructifying trees and bushes. Watering has to be very abundant especially in case the last year was especially bumper-crop for this culture. Under pears and apple-trees it is necessary to pour out up to 70-80 l. waters. Under cherries and plums - to 40. For watering choose morning hours when air temperature is in the range from 15 up to 20 degrees.

5. In the spring when yet snow has not descended, collect it on beds and pristvolny circles. This council is fair if you have easy sandy soils. On clay soils of bed and pristvolny circles on the contrary, clear away. It is important to carry out such work after the danger of strong frosts disappears. Will hardly a little become warmer, it is possible to carry out cutting of trees and garden bushes. Examine buds of blackcurrant regarding kidney pincers. The round blown-up kidneys need to be removed. Also see raspberry branches, wild strawberry, bark of the fructifying trees. You remember, than better you work in the fall and in the spring – prior to the main garden works, - the best harvest waits for you.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
