Often corners in the apartment are used irrationally, and these places are ideal for shelves. Angular racks and lockers can be bought ready prepared, and it is possible to make with own hands. The rounded shape of shelves allows to counterbalance sharp angle and more effectively to use the place in the apartment.
It is required to you
- MDF plate, electrofret saw, disk mill, self-tapping screws, rope, metal ruler, pencil
1. It is possible to make the angular shelf for the bathroom, small by the sizes, of averagedensity (MDF) fiber board.
2. Fiber board is on sale in the form of rectangular sheets, and we will need regiments of round shape. Measure from corner along wall the required depth of the lower shelf. Double this size, add 50 mm on cutting and you receive the required size of the party of leaf.
3. The milling machine can be necessary for production of round edges of shelves. For a start it is recommended to practise on MDF scraps. After the training it is possible to start production of the angular shelf.
4. Tie pencil to one end of rope, and attach other end to the sheet MDF. Draw circle. Radius of circle will be equal to the shelf size. Approximate length of cord is 40 cm.
5. Separate circle into sectors by means of metal ruler. Sectors will serve for sidewalls and shelves of rack. It is important that their sizes were identical.
6. By means of the fret saw cut out from plate circle on the line. The hacksaw will not give the accurate and exact line. When cutting MDF use respirator to avoid hit of sawdust and dust in airways.
7. Now cut circle on four equal sectors. On one of sectors by means of pencil and rope draw circle of smaller radius. It will be the smallest shelf. Also cut it the fret saw.
8. For receiving figured finishing process disk mill the rounded-off faces of sectors. To the brim you do not lead up mill, for receiving good finishing these sites have to be rectangular.
9. Connect among themselves three big sections of the shelf. For this purpose it will be required to drill openings. Screws will pass through the first section on third of length the following section. Screw in screws from reverse side of sections that they were not visible.
10. Now make openings for screws which will fix the smallest section, and attach it screws as the second shelf. Check position of shelves on level.
11. After the end of assembly paint rack, having chosen the color which is combined with color of interior of the room. It is necessary to fix such shelf to wall by means of the normal screws rolled in wooden traffic jams.