How to put up the bases and walls

How to put up the bases and walls

From that, the base is how correctly flooded and walls are put up, durability and durability of the house depends. That construction has not begun to collapse right after the end of construction and accommodation in it did not pose threat for life, at laying of the foundation and wall construction it is necessary to follow certain rules.


1. Depth of filling of the base under external walls of the house surely has to be more than frost depth of the soil in your region. If the base is insufficiently deep, when freezing the earth under it it will burst. The base under walls can be indoors made less deep as in residential building temperature always plus. Width of the base can be different and depends on the mass of walls. It is not recommended to do the base under heavy walls already of 40 centimeters.

2. At laying of the foundation consider its draft in the course of construction of the house, it can make up to 15 cm. Therefore the top cut of the base has to be higher design at this size. When filling the base it is desirable to use the reinforcing materials giving it additional durability. In individual construction it can be any pieces of armature, pieces of rails, metal beams, etc. You watch that armature has been filled completely in with concrete.

3. It is necessary to water and cover the ready base at least within one-two weeks with bast mat, burlap, etc. Humid environment will help concrete to develop the necessary strength. It is necessary to consider that concrete will develop the maximum strength only in few months.

4. Walls can be put up on different technologies. The strongest and durable is the brick wall, however it has bad, to modern measures, heat-insulating indicators. It is possible to improve thermal characteristics of the house use of kolodtsevy laying: brick only the external and internal parts of walls connected by sheaves give all the best. All internal emptiness are filled in keramzitobetony. Such house turns out warmer, to build it quicker, costs of it appear less.

5. Most quicker to put up walls from gas-concrete blocks. They are easy, are well processed, possess high heattechnical characteristics. It is simpler to spread walls from them, than brick. Durability of gas-concrete blocks allows to build from them even houses to two-three floors.

6. One of the cheapest options is construction of jellied walls with use of the rearranged timbering. As filler haydite or boiler slag can be used. Walls of the jellied house after construction need to be plastered.

7. Unit frame-board built houses gain ground. The framework gathers from bar and plywood boards, the internal space is filled with heater. As heater glass wool, cane, straw, adobe and other cheap materials can be used.

8. Log houses are built now, generally from the rounded logs. Such house turns out not only very beautiful, but also eco-friendly. Not accidentally the cottages constructed on this technology quite deservedly carry to elite constructions. Houses for which logs stick together from bar differ in higher characteristics (and cost).

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
