The pencil is used by inexperienced embroideresses and dressmakers for drawing on fabric of ornaments and patterns or marking when tailoring. To wash graphite mix it is rather problematic therefore it is necessary to use the special means allowing to cope without effort with strokes which remained on fabric.
It is required to you
- - means for washing of ware;
- - synthetic cleaning agent;
- - laundry soap;
- - oxygen bleach;
- - Antipyatin soap.
1. At marking the simple pencil which writing rod consists of graphitic powder, clay and apparatin or pectinaceous glue is most often used. To remove the remained strokes, it is abundant grease them with means for washing of ware. Leave the processed fabric for 24 hours, then wet in warm water with synthetic cleaning agent for 6-8 hours. On the expiration of the specified time wash in the same solution in which you retted, carefully rinse and wash in the washing machine, using the program suitable for washing of this fabric.
2. Such way of removal of graphite pencil is absolutely safe for any kind of fabrics, effectively copes with the remained strokes. But the shortcoming is that it is necessary to purify fabric long enough.
3. If you want to cope with strokes from pencil much quicker, use modern oxygen means, for example "Vanish" or "Expert". Before application attentively study the instruction from the producer, apply the divorced powder on fabric, add when washing. At such way of removal of strokes from graphite pencil you will cope with pollution much quicker, than at the first option. Means are issued for white and color linen. Use those which are necessary for you.
4. Normal laundry soap without special work and without use of expensive means helps to remove strokes from simple graphite and colored pencils. For use it is abundant moisten fabric and soap, carefully rub piece of the place of pollution, leave for 30 minutes, once again carry out soaping, rinse product, wash in the normal way.
5. Instead of laundry soap you can use special means which is provided in household departments under trade name of Antipyatin. Way of removal of the strokes which have remained from pencil, just the same, as when using laundry soap. Moisten fabric and Antipyatin soap, carefully rub places of pollution, in 15-30 minutes repeat processing, rinse product, wash in the washing machine.