There are many ways to protect the base from water penetration, that is to create moisture barrier. The most modern - use of powder additives in concrete and hydrophobisators. The most popular - pasting of the base roofing material cloths.
1. The waterproofing of the base is intended for protection of concrete against the destroying water influence. It is possible to execute it by means of modern water-repellent rolled materials, mastics, membranes, special additives in concrete. The waterproofing of the base is not only laying of materials, but also complex of works on their mounting. Among rolled and sheet materials the most popular – roofing material. Pasting of the base its cloths – the most widespread way of protection of foundation of the house against moisture.
2. In this work it is necessary to follow the following rules: concrete is purified previously from dirt and leveled by means of cement slurry; laying of sheets of roofing material has to be made with an overlap not less than 10 cm; cloths are pasted on hot bitumen; joints of sheets need to be missed the mark with bitumen for creation of hermetic surface.
3. For waterproofing of the base it is possible to use the built-up materials, on one of the parties of which the layer of bitumen or thermopaste is put. To paste over with them concrete tape or plate, use blowpipe or blow torch. By means of fire the glue layer is warmed to condition of sticky weight and press sheets to the surface of the base. During operating time it is necessary to watch that between cloths slots were not formed. Therefore the built-up sheets stack with an overlap at each other.
4. It is possible to waterproof the base by means of the mastics made on the basis of bitumen. They are intended for plastering of surfaces which are required to be protected from moisture influence. Apply mastic by means of brush or the roller, thickness of layer can be from several millimeters to 3-4 cm. The same structure it is possible to close up superficial cracks. Mastics are suitable also for waterproofing of the bases which are laid out brick. The device of such protection does not require special knowledge and skills therefore this method of waterproofing of the base is often used by private developers. With its help receive durable and strong covering of surfaces.
5. The most modern waterproofing materials are powder structures and hydrophobisators. Among them ""Penetron"" is most often used. This unique powdery additive is put in concrete at stage of its preparation. As a result of chemical reaction the concrete layer having water-repellent property is formed. Solution of the Penetron is applied also on ready foundation of the house. But in this case it needs to be humidified well to facilitate penetration of molecules of powder into thickness of concrete on rather deep water.
6. There is one more option of waterproofing of the base – use of waterproof films and membranes. In retail chain stores there are different types of these materials: thermoflexible and self-adhesive. Generally all of them are made on the basis of high-strength polyethylene.