Supply and exhaust ventilation: principle of work

Supply and exhaust ventilation: principle of work

The comfort of any premises is defined by such indicators as temperature, humidity, purity of air. The system of supply and exhaust ventilation which differs in functional features is just responsible for high-quality air exchange.

Supply and exhaust ventilation operation principle

Apparently from the name, the system consists of two types of ventilation: the incoming and exhaust. The main task of the plenum mechanical ventilation – filtration of the air arriving outside and the subsequent its distribution by means of air ducts to rooms. The system is supplied with additional equipment which cleans air stream from dust, dirt, warms up it up to the set temperature and humidifies. Exhaust vent system – the complete antithesis of the incoming; the extract serves for removal of the fulfilled air stream from the room.

Both systems the friend without friend are ineffective; the volume of air extended from the room has to be replaced with fresh air stream, otherwise emergence of various negative phenomena in the form of, for example, drafts, fall of temperature is not excluded. Therefore both systems at the same time are applied to creation of the most favorable microclimate. The forced-air and exhaust system removes the fulfilled air mass and provides continuous inflow of fresh air.

Characteristics of supply and exhaust ventilation

In the technical plan the operation of system of supply and exhaust ventilation is simple; service consists only in periodic replacement of air filters. The system possesses the serious plus allowing to reduce expenses on operation approximately by 50%. It has become possible thanks to the recuperator (special heat exchanger). This device uses the warm air removed from the room for heating of the incoming air stream. At the same time mixing of fresh and exhaust air does not happen; the last is used only as "heater". Similar utilization of heat allows to give to winter time to the room already warmed up air. The heater which is warming up the air, charcoal filters cleaning the incoming stream, the cooler enters the modern system of supply and exhaust ventilation, besides fans. Except these elements, sensors which task – temperature control indoors and tracking percentage of carbon dioxide are installed. The supply and exhaust ventilation is widely used on harmful productions in the industry. In life the similar system has also found application for aeration of garages, big apartments, country residential buildings, large office rooms.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
