Than to feed up garlic in the summer

Than to feed up garlic in the summer

Garlic needs fertilizing not only in the spring, but also in the summer. During forming of bulbs the application of fertilizers is compulsory procedure without which vegetables will not reach the desirable sizes. Today in shops the huge range of the various complex fertilizers intended especially for garlic is provided, as fertilizing it is possible to use as them, to so do independently various infusions, using national recipes.

It is required to you

  • - nitroammofoska;
  • - superphosphate:
  • - sulfate magnesium;
  • - mullein;
  • - chicken dung.


1. At the beginning of the first month of summer it is necessary to carry out fertilizing of garlic by complex mineral fertilizer, for this purpose it is possible to use nitroammofosky, previously having parted 50 g of fertilizer in 10 l of water. The amount of the introduced divorced fertilizer should not exceed three-four liters on one square meter.

2. As during forming of bulbs garlic especially needs phosphorus and potassium, later few weeks after the first fertilizing of plant it is possible to feed up, for example, superphosphate. It also should be dissolved in water (50 g of fertilizer on 10 l of water). If there is opportunity, then it is natural, it is better to replace the above fertilizing with organic, like solution of mullein or chicken dung. Mullein ratio to water - 1:10, and chicken dung - 1:20. Two liters and that and other fertilizing on square meter - enough for single introduction.

3. If at garlic leaves, the reasons for that turn yellow a little. For example, the most frequent - the shortage of moisture, however tips of leaves because of lack of nitrogen, potassium or magnesium quite often can dry. At the shortage of nitrogen and potassium culture it is possible to feed up solution of dung water, but here the lack of magnesium will not fill this fertilizer. If after introduction of the above solution garlic and continues to turn yellow, then in this case only fertilizing by sulfate magnesium will help (about 100 grams of solid matter on water bucket).

4. Fertilizing - it, of course, is good, but to grow up notable harvest of garlic, it is important to look after plant competently. It is worth remembering that large bulbs at culture happen only at cultivation on solar bed. Favorably forming of cloves is influenced also by soil loosening. It is necessary to carry out it every time after introduction of fertilizing. Well and of course you should not forget about terms of fertilizing: the last has to be brought no later than the beginning of July when active forming of bulbs begins.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
