What flowers have to be at home

What flowers have to be at home

Even the most modest room will look more attractively if in it there are flowers. They give esthetic pleasure, enrich air with oxygen, emit special substances – the phytoncides destroying pathogenic microorganisms. Flowers are especially useful in the long cold winter when they remind of warm weather, prevent depression. What flowers it is desirable to have houses?

Aloe which homeland – hot deserts, by right call pharmacy on windowsill. It is easy to look after him as it very unpretentious, easily maintains temperature drops, demands only rare and moderate waterings. Aloe exclusively richly biologically active agents therefore for a long time its juice and pulp are used in the medical purposes. Adherents of the doctrine feng shui consider that this plant successfully "absorbs" negative energy, frightens off from the house of ill-wishers. 

The ficus – beautiful, widespread plant, symbolizes house wellbeing, fortress of family bonds, harmony of matrimonial life. Adherents feng shui claim that the ficus possesses the effective pacifying action, "extinguishes" irritability, aggression. The ficus will be good gift to young spouses. 

The monetary tree (or "crassula", "krassula") long since is symbol of financial wellbeing (what eloquently tells the name about). This plant needs abundant watering in the summer, in the winter watering has to be made very seldom. 

Saintpaulia (or African violet) – very beautiful plant differing in exclusive variety of forms of lobes and their colourings. Its homeland – remote mountainous areas of East Africa. The plant is unpretentious, can successfully be grown up and blossom in house conditions. It is only necessary to provide saintpaulias sufficient uniform lighting and to preserve it against cold, drafts. Adherents feng shui claim that pink and red African violets well influence mood of inhabitants of the house, white well calm, and violet awaken energy, promote strengthening of character. 

Geranium – not only beautiful flower, but also the good air purifier, thanks to large amounts of the emitted phytoncides. However it is better not to keep it in the bedroom as on feng shui this plant is considered "the power vampire", and here in the living room it will be just right.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
