At the end of summer the gardeners often are in thoughts, looking at the ripening harvest, and exchange opinion with neighbors - whether it is already time to remove onions, carrots or garlic? How not to be mistaken in terms and in time to remove the vegetables which are grown up by laborious work that they were well stored and were rather mature? If to know some nuances, then it is possible to choose optimum moment for cleaning of any given culture.
Cleaning of carrots is carried out depending on what grade grows on bed. Early ripening carrots can begin to be removed already the middle of summer. Mid-season carrots are dug out approximately in hundred days after landing (as a rule, on packing with seeds the period of maturing of grade is specified), signal to cleaning are the turned yellow lower leaves of plant. And here late-ripening carrots need to be removed to the first frosts, at most until the end of September, otherwise at subzero temperature it can become covered with gray decay.
The cauliflower is removed till that time as heads will begin to turn yellow and be scattered. Heads of harvest begin to collect even during growth when they have diameter about 10 cm. If vegetable outgrows, it will lose considerable part useful and tastes.
When cleaning onions it is necessary to check attentively whether the neck and leaves has dried. By this time already everything has usually lain down feather. It is impossible to overdo onions on bed, it can take new root or crack.
Sweet pepper is removed in phase of technical ripeness when fruits are completely created and have got the size and gloss, characteristic of grade. It is not obligatory to wait for its reddening.
If zucchinis are intended in food, then remove them just before the use if on storage - the thin skin has to coarsen, and the fruit has to ring at percussion.
The ripeness of beet is demonstrated by the turned yellow lower leaves and outgrowths on thin skin. However, there are no special terms for cleaning, everything depends on the desirable size of root crops and weather patterns. If weather rainy, it is worth hurrying, otherwise beet can become impregnated with excessive moisture and lose tastes.
At the vast majority of grades of summer garlic the maturing comes to an end since the end of August to the middle of September. Leaves turn yellow and massively polegat, it is signal to action. Winter grades of garlic remove the second and third decade of July when the lower leaves begin to dry and the plant top turns yellow. You should not delay cleaning, otherwise bulbs will break up to cloves and will be worse stored.