For a long time disputes on do not cease whether there are black roses. Really on sale it is often possible to see bouquets from similar flowers. However in reality, it is the scarlet or white inflorescences which have stood certain time in water with black paint.
1. Actually the grades which have received the black prefix in the name and relating to black have very saturated burgundy shade at certain lighting seeming to black. For the first time so-called black roses have removed in England in honor of the died queen's husband. Then black color became symbol not only grieves, but also has received new sounding. Black flowers became embodiment of strong spirit, symbol of the power. The presented bouquet of black roses emphasized respect and admiration of the donator.
2. Selectors from all countries try to receive black roses long ago, but it was succeeded to remove natural purely - black color to nobody still. The most approximate to dark color are tea roses of such grades as ""the Black Baccara"", ""Schwartz Madonna"", ""Black magic", ""Black tea"".
3. The grade "Black tea" has brought K. Okamoto in 1973, it is called still "coffee rose". The big, well created, scarlet flowers have gray-brown shade. During blossoming the coloring of bud can change from powder of fresh ground cinnamon, coral-gray to dark color.
4. ""Black Baccara"" has appeared in front of public in 2003 and has immediately drawn general attention. This chaynogibridny rose was the most dark color among all her predecessors. The bud has the scyphoid form, its diameter reaches 12 cm and contains about forty lobes. Powerful plant, bushy, about a meter high, buds have pronounced dark tone. During blossoming season pleases the owners with dark burgundy, velvety inflorescences. Tone in coloring the flower gets the most dark in the fall. Flowers become more dark at cultivation than them on the sour soil and also at continuous impact of sunshine on them. Have light gentle aroma.
5. "Black magic" - the hybrid of tea rose adoring arid climate. During setting of buds they have almost natural natural color. When flowers blossom, the black fringing of the top lobes around red or crimson core creates unique effect. It is velvety and terry rose contains more than forty lobes in the bud. Blossoming on powerful, sprawling bush takes place is abundant in the form of single flowers or brushes. On the sour soil the coloring of inflorescences becomes much more dark.
6. ""Schwartz Madonna"" has the most dark shade among all roses. This silnorosly bush belongs to chaynogibridny types. Bud scyphoid velvet and dark tone. The red-black flower, the opaque, numbering over 35 lobes, in the diameter reaches 12 cm. The high bush, blossoms is very abundant, regardless of weather patterns. Good leaving can guarantee blossoming twice during the season. The smell is practically absent.