Pepper on the content of vitamin C concedes only to dogrose and blackcurrant, and among vegetables – the absolute leader. But large amount of this vitamin – not its only advantage. In it it is more vitamin A, than in carrots, and aromatic substances of sweet pepper promote release of "happiness hormone" - endorphin which well affects nervous system. Vegetable growers grow up various grades of pepper, they are not insured from various difficulties, for example, pepper badly grows. Why?
Shortcoming teplaperets – the thermophilic and whimsical plant, optimum temperature for its growth and also for development makes 25-30 wasps. If weather costs too hot, increase air humidity, opening window leaves and doors in the greenhouse. If pepper grow in the open ground, protect them from direct sunshine. Before disembarkation temper plant. For this purpose expose seedling on open air. Shortcoming vlagiperets are very exacting also to moistening of the soil. Water plant with two-three liters of water, and it has to be otstoyanny and room temperature. You make watering better in the morning and only at the roots, that is, without getting on leaves and fruits. Deficiency or surplus mineral udobreniyperets very much loves fertile soil, but at surplus of nitrogen fertilizers the productivity sharply decreases – fruits do not grow. After planting of plant in soil feed up him not less than two-three times. The first subforage has to consist of the dung water diluted with water (1:10). The second subforage has to be made from the fermented chicken dung with addition of superphosphate (1:12). Feed up also root system during growth, do it by the balanced fertilizing. Do dusting of the earth around plant by ashes. Bacterial boleznrasteniya, struck with any bacteria, it is very difficult to save. If you have found out that pepper began to wither, have ceased to grow and fructify, remove them not to infect other plants. If bacteria have struck seeds before landing, then process them potassium permanganate or fundazoly. The wrong planting of plants in plant gruntvysazhivayta according to scheme 30*30 or 65*30. Lower stalks of pepper to the soil to the first couple of strong leaves. It is not necessary to remove excess escapes.