To grow up good harvest of tomatoes, it is necessary to spend initially many efforts to prorashchivaniye of seeds, cultivation of strong seedling and its disembarkation in soil. Not to do without watering and fertilizing of saplings, and in cool damp weather - and without processing of culture the antifungal medicines resisting to phytophthora.
Perhaps, each gardener at least once in life faced that the tomatoes growing in the greenhouse or in the open ground began to blacken. At some tomatoes darkened because of deficiency of any mineral substances, for example, of calcium, at others - because of the increased acidity of the soil, at the third - because of defeat of culture phytophthora.
In the first two cases fertilizing of saplings kaltsesoderzhashchy medicines and entering into the earth of small amount of solution of chicken dung solved all problems, and here fight against phytophthora demanded a lot of time, and in the hard cases (started) the summer residents lost harvest at all. Therefore it is worth remembering that it is necessary to fight against phytophthora at once from the moment of its detection until the fungus has extended.
The phytophthora - disease artful if it has already affected plant, then to get rid of it will not turn out any more - it is possible to constrain it only artificially. Therefore it is very important to observe prevention measures against this fungus: to thicket to air the greenhouse, not to allow strong temperature drops, not pereuvlazhnyat the soil, when landing to observe distance between saplings, to delete the lower leaves of tomatoes, especially those that concern soil.
The first signs of defeat of tomatoes phytophthora - emergence of gray spots on the top leaves and formation of gray raid on the lower part of plants. Further, if not to undertake any measures, leaves begin to blacken, then - fruits.
If measures of prevention have not yielded result and the phytophthora nevertheless has struck culture, then it is necessary to fight for safety of fruits by spraying of bushes special medicines. Solution of chloride of calcium or the Bordeaux liquid will be suitable for this purpose, and from national recipes the processing of culture infusion of garlic or mix of curdled milk with water (1:1) can slow down development of disease.