How to find an unknown divider

How to find an unknown divider

It is quite often possible to meet such equations in which the divider is unknown. For example 350: X = 50, where 350 - a dividend, X - a divider, and 50 - private. It is necessary to make a certain set of actions with those numbers which are known for the solution of these examples.

It is required to you

  • - pencil or handle;
  • - sheet of paper or notebook.


1. Present that one woman had a number of children. In shop it bought 30 candies. Having come back home, the lady divided sweets equally between children. Thus each child received 5 candies for a dessert. Question: How many children did the woman have?

2. Work out the simple equation where unknown, i.e. X is the number of children, is 5 a number of the candies received by each child, and is 30 amount of sweets which was bought. Thus you have to receive an example: 30: X = 5. In this mathematical expression 30 is called a dividend, X - a divider, and turned out private it is equal to 5.

3. Now start the decision. It is known: to find a divider, it is necessary to divide a dividend into private. It turns out: X = 30: 5;30: 5 = 6; Х = 6.

4. Make check, having substituted the turned-out number in the equation. So, 30: X = 5, you found an unknown divider, i.e. X = 6, thus: 30: 6 = 5. Expression is right, and it follows from this that the equation is solved correctly. Certainly, at the solution of examples in which prime numbers appear it is optional to carry out check. But when the equations consist of numbers two-digit, three-digit, four-digit, etc., surely check yourself. It does not take away a lot of time, but gives absolute confidence in the received result.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
