With arrival of spring and heat many look forward to a great holiday of Easter. At everyone this day is associated with high fragrant Easter cakes and, of course, with multi-colored Easter eggs.
There are many ways of coloring of eggs thanks to which our table will become the real decoration of a great holiday.
Secrets of coloring of Easter eggs
- It is necessary to cook eggs previously having warmed them to room temperature (it is necessary to get eggs previously in 2 hours from the fridge). It will help to avoid cracks on a shell.
- During cooking it is necessary to add to water table salt, to proportions 1 tablespoon of salt on 2 liters of water. In case the shell bursts, protein won't flow out.
- Before cooking of egg it is necessary to wash up carefully.
- When coloring eggs for the best hitch of paint, once 9% add acetic acid (1 tablespoon on one - two liters of water).
- After coloring for gloss of a shell, we grate eggs with vegetable oil.
Coloring of eggs onions peel
This way is the simplest. With its help at us saturated orange, crimson Easter eggs will turn out. Previously we boil an onions peel in water within an hour. On the expiration of this time we place eggs in water and we boil them until ready. That color more intensive before cooking of eggs needed to give to broth time to infuse.
Eggs can give an unusual color, to make them marble or to add a highlight, to put the drawing.
If we want to achieve a marble shade, then it is previously necessary to crush a peel and the sheet of paper. Having wetted egg we roll it in the crushed preparation of an onions peel and we wind with a gauze. We add one vial of brilliant green to water and we boil eggs.
The drawing on Easter eggs
For giving of the beautiful drawing it is possible to use carved cliches or to use the help of the nature. For these purposes it is possible to use leaves of parsley, fennel, mint. We put an openwork leaf to egg and we wind it with a gauze, we fix by threads.
The onions peel can be replaced with other natural materials.
If to use beet juice as dye, then you will achieve pink color, using a turmeric we will achieve yellow color of a shell. Blue shades will turn out when using flowers of hibiscus tea, a red cabbage.
Coloring of eggs embroidery floss
It is very simple to paint eggs in this way, bright multi-colored easter testicles as a result turn out. We reel up embroidery floss of different flowers on crude egg, we fix them and it is possible to start cooking. We boil eggs within 10-15 minutes for obtaining desired result.