The egg powder perfectly replaces eggs. From it cook omelets, confectionery, soups, semi-finished products. The egg powder will be irreplaceable help for gourmets-pokhodnikov: it doesn't break and doesn't spoil when transporting, at the same time to taste doesn't concede to usual eggs at all.
It is required to you
- For the recipe "Omelet from an egg powder":
- 3-4 tablespoons of an egg powder;
- 5-2 glasses of milk;
- salt to taste;
- desi to taste.
- For the recipe "Broth with dumpling"
- at the rate on one person:
- 4 cubes;
- 1 glass of flour;
- 3 tablespoons of a melted desi;
- ½ tablespoons of an egg powder.
- For the recipe "Marching omelet"
- at the rate on one person:
- 5 tablespoons of an egg powder;
- 10 g of powdered milk;
- 1 tsps of a melted desi;
- 15-20 g of the crushed cheese;
- salt to taste.
- For the recipe "Pancakes on yeast":
- 5 glasses of wheat or buckwheat flour;
- 5 glasses of milk;
- 5 tsps of an egg powder;
- 2 tablespoons of sugar;
- 1 tsps of salt;
- 50 g of yeast;
- 200 g of a desi;
- 20 g of fat.
1. Omelet from egg to a poroshkasmeshayta milk and an egg powder, shake up the blender – so that there were no lumps. In order that powder inflated, leave for 20-25 minutes, salt. In the warmed frying pan kindle a desi, pour out egg mix. Bring to readiness a baking plate a cover on weak fire.
2. Broth with kletskamitaky broth can be cooked in a campaign. In a bowl pour in a glass of water, put oil. Boil, throw a half of one cube, stir. Pour flour, stir, warm up 1-2 minutes. Remove from fire, add an egg powder, carefully vent. In a pan boil water, knead cubes, lower in boiled water, stir. Add the made dough in a pan gradually, on ¼ tablespoons. In 2-3 minutes after emersion of trickled pastries, broth is ready.
3. Fill marching omletyaichny powder in a big bowl, fill in with the divorced powdered milk. On each person about 1/3 glasses dry semolina is necessary and to mix. Pour out weight in a bowl with oil, fry on strong fire. When omelet begins to get denser, remove it from fire, cover and let's reach 3-5 minutes.
4. Pancakes on a drozhzhakhpodogreyta in a pan 2 glasses of milk. In warm milk part yeast and 3 glasses of flour, mix. Close dough a napkin, put to the warm place for 30-40 minutes. Put salt, sugar, oil and an egg powder. Mix, pour the remained flour, vent to an elastic state, gradually parting with the remained milk. Again put to the warm place. Mix the risen dough, bake in the usual way.