The taste of cocoa is familiar to most of people of the childhood, this drink causes nostalgic memoirs. Actually cocoa can bring essential benefit for an organism as contains a large amount of extraordinary valuable substances.
1. Cocoa is rather nutritious product. The small cup of drink causes feeling of saturation. Cocoa improves the resilience of an organism and lightens the mood, grains contain the real source of active and healthy life. One teaspoon of cocoa contains a little more than twenty kilocalories while in segment of chocolate contain fifty kilocalories. The secret of cocoa is a richness of flavonoids (vegetable antioxidizers) and an epikatekhin who improves short-term memory and brain blood circulation reduces arterial blood pressure. In cocoa there is several times more epikatekhin, than in a green tea, berries or red wine.
2. People who drink every morning on a cocoa cup are less subject to risk of collision with violations of work of heart or a disease of diabetes. Such favorable effect is rendered by the flavonoids regenerating the power centers of frame muscles and cells of a myocardium. Quite often in industrial production these substances delete from chocolate bars as they have a bitter taste.
3. Cocoa is a rich source of folic acid, zinc and magnesium which relaxes muscles, helps to cope with stresses and to build strong bones. High content of iron in cocoa – effective weapon in fight against anemia. Chrome keeps appropriate level of glucose in blood. Daily using cocoa, you will well feel. Andandamid who is in cocoa influences a brain and causes euphoria, increasing endorphin level. Besides, cocoa increases the level of natural antidepressant – serotonin.
4. The cup of svezhesvarenny cocoa is capable to wake you in the morning not worse, than strong made coffee, and all thanks to theobromine – a microcell, related caffeine. The chocolate beverage saves from heartburn, helps women to regulate a monthly cycle. Cocoa neutralizes influence of active forms of oxygen which lead to process of growth of new growths, harm cells of DNA. Drink will help to keep for a long time clear consciousness as cocoa improves memory, brain blood circulation, concentration of attention. At old and elderly people of cocoa prevents development of weak-mindedness.
5. Powder of cocoa contains melanin – the natural pigment protecting epidermis from harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Cocoa is rich with pro-cyanidines which are responsible for elasticity and health of skin. Beauticians could appreciate advantage of cocoa, use it for creation of the shampoos adding to hair a healthy look and gloss.