All land areas and the shelf washing them on our planet are divided between the states. It is the form of the political and territorial organization of society designed to unite all groups of people, the population living in its territory on the basis of equality. The state exists in certain physical borders and has separate government of management.
Obligatory components of any state are its territory, the population, the device of the government and the system of taxation. The population of the state includes the persons having nationality and citizens of other states who live in its territory. Also the persons which do not have nationality and those who have dual or triple nationality and also special subjects which the staff of diplomatic missions and embassies treats treat to the population. To the state territory, besides that on which it is located the fixed demarcation border, territories in which its embassies abroad, the space objects and surface, underwater air objects, vessels registered under the flag of this state are located belong. The state carries out the functions by means of management personnels and coercion. Authorities, governmental bodies, parliament and not power ministries treat the first. To the second – the power ministries, army, police, bodies ensuring safety of the state, courts and prisons. The system of taxation allows to carry out social and distributive functions of the state and to form the most part of its budget. The enterprises and working-age population are subjects to taxation. The state has both external, and internal sovereignty which assumes decision-making, independent of the external and internal factors, designed to provide wellbeing of his citizens. The government, for all persons living in its territory, is Supreme. Other states have no right to violate the internal sovereignty of the state and attempt of intervention in internal affairs of any country can be estimated as manifestation of hostility. External sovereignty is provided with recognition from the foreign states. Specific sign of the state is the system of the right regulating the public and personal relations of citizens of the state. Each state has the, the symbolics fixed by a legislative image: flag, coat of arms, anthem.