Many people prefer to spend a holiday and days off in nature, at all it is not obligatory to go for this purpose to the dacha, it is possible just to spend time in a tent on the lake or just in the forest. But, in order that such pastime brought only pleasant emotions, it is necessary to know how to choose a tent for family holiday, otherwise a holiday can turn into a nightmare.
How it is correct to choose a tent for rest?
The first that should be made, it to be defined what number of people the tent has to contain in itself. Experts do not advise to buy too big tents that is if you two, to take the thing intended for 4-6 people simply it is not reasonable.
The second what it is worth paying attention to before choosing a tent for a campaign, is that in shops there are models relating to professional and those that are considered as amateur (universal). The first are much more expensive therefore it is necessary to buy them only if the campaign is necessary also the truth serious. For example, it is necessary to spend the night on snow or you are going to visit regions where gales constantly blow. In other cases it will be just waste of money. Therefore to choose both good, and inexpensive to a scarf, look at models which will be designated as universal. They do not pass moisture, well maintain weak (not belonging to storm) wind gusts and at the same time will cost you in where as the smaller sum.
Further it is necessary to define what tent to choose on weight, it it is especially important to make if you gather in a hike. On average the single universal model will weigh about 1.2 kg, of course, triple or four-seater tents will be much heavier. Before getting model, well think whether you will be able to bear it throughout all route, skilled tourists recommend to calculate the average weight of cargo on the person and to so define whether it is worth taking on seven one big tents or it will be more reasonable to buy 2, but it is less.
The last that needs to be made, it to examine fastenings of model, you have to understand precisely that you will be able independently to cope with installation of a tent. Some options of fastening are so inconvenient that only the man will be able to cope with driving in of pegs, for the woman it will be too difficult task. In advance having examined fastening, and having thought over who and as will put a tent, you will save yourself from a set of negative emotions during a campaign.