How to do morphological analysis of a word

How to do morphological analysis of a word

In a school course of Russian there is an exercise under the name "Morphological Analysis of a Word", also this task often is present at entrance examinations in various educational institutions. The purpose of such exercise is to consider a word as a part of speech, with all signs inherent in it and also to define its role in the offer. Morphological analysis should not be confused with morphemic analysis (analysis of a word on structure) – in spite of the fact that these words probably, the principle of analysis absolutely different sound.


1. Details of morphological analysis vary depending on with what part of speech we deal. But the general scheme always remains invariable. At the first stage it is necessary to define to what part of speech the sorted word belongs and on what bases (that means what question to it can be asked). Then the word is put in an initial form and its invariable morphological features – those which are peculiar to it in all forms are defined. Having characterized "a word in general", it is possible to pass to a context, having defined those signs which are inherent in it in this offer (for example, a case for nouns, a sort and number for adjectives and so on). The last stage – definition of a syntactic role of a word in the offer (what sentence part it is). The syntactic role is defined only for significant parts of speech – function words are not considered as sentence parts. Let's consider the scheme of morphological analysis on several examples for different parts of speech.

2. Analysis of a sushchestvitelnykhsham of analysis: - definition of a word as parts of speech (the noun, designates a subject or the person, answers the question "who?" or "what?"); - definition of an initial form, i.e. Nominative case in singular; - the analysis of constant signs (the noun own or nominal, animated or inanimate what grammatical gender treats, inducement type is); - the changeable signs defined in a context (number and a case) - a role in the offer in which the noun is considered (usually this subject or addition). For an example we will sort the word "cats" in the offer "In March cats sing songs on roofs". Cats – a noun (who?). An initial form – a cat. Constant signs – animated, nominal, a masculine gender, the 2nd inducement. Changeable signs – the Nominative case, plural. A role in the offer – a subject.

3. Analysis of a name of a prilagatelnogosham of analysis: - definition of a word as parts of speech (the adjective, designates sign of a subject, answers the question "what?"), - definition of an initial form, i.e. Nominative case of a masculine gender in singular; - constant morphological features (for adjectives it is only the category on value – qualitative, relative or possesive it is); - changeable signs (for qualitative adjectives the degree of comparison and a form – full or short, for one and all representatives of this part of speech – number, a sort in singular and a case are defined); - a syntactic role in the offer (as a rule the adjective is definition or a personalized part of a predicate). For example, we will consider an adjective "birch" in the offer "Windows of the apartment came to a birchwood". Birch – the adjective, answers a question "what?" also designates sign of a subject. An initial form – birch. Constant sign of an adjective – relative. Changeable signs – singular, a feminine gender, an accusative case. Function in the offer – definition.

4. Morphological analysis a glagolarazbor of verbs is based according to the same scheme, the infinitive is considered an initial form. If the compound verb (such, for example, as "I will have dinner" or "to descend") is exposed to analysis – for analysis it is written out from the offer entirely even in case parts are divided among themselves in other words. The look (perfect or imperfect it is), transitivity or intransitivity, recoverability and type of conjugation is specified as constant morphological features at this part of speech. The greatest complexity at analysis of verbs is caused by transfer of changeable signs – their set strongly depends on a specific form. Changeable signs can be the following: - the mood is indicative, imperative or conditional (it is specified for all verbs), - number (where it opredelimo), - the real, past or future tense (is defined only at verbs of an indicative mood), - the person (for the present and future time of indicative verbs and also for verbs in an imperative mood), - a sort (only for verbs of singular of past tense of an indicative and conditional inclination).

5. Analysis of numerals At analysis of numerals as an initial form is specified the Nominative case for cardinal numbers, for serial – the same case in singular of a masculine gender. Listing constant signs, it is necessary to specify, simple, the numeral is difficult or compound and to define, it is quantitative or serial. The case (always), a sort and number – is specified in changeable signs when they can be defined.

6. Morphological analysis of office parts rechisluzhebny parts of speech do not change, are not sentence parts therefore their morphological analysis is carried out on the simplified scheme. The first point specifies to what part of speech they belong (a pretext, the union or a particle) and its general meaning is called. As morphological features the following is listed: - for pretexts – simple or compound it is, derivative or non-productive; - for the union – coordinating it or subordinative, simple or compound; - for a particle – the category. At characteristic of a syntactic role of function words sometimes it is especially specified that they are not sentence parts.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
