What color of eyes the child will have

What color of eyes the child will have

Depending on a gene the child can have color of eyes, not the attendee at one of parents. Interestingly, and what color there will be eyes of my child?

The big percent of newborns is born with blue eyes or brightly blue. It depends on amount of melanin in an organism, and at its birth it is not enough. Also in the people it call "effect of the sky".

If the baby is born with brown eyes, then the probability that color and will remain — 90 percent. As the strongest of dominants is brown color of eyes. Green - the most rare, blue color — recessive. One of the most rare combinations of hair color and eyes of the person: the blonde with blue eyes. More often people have caesious color of eyes.

When the child is only born what he sees? Up to three months the baby distinguishes only light spots, and by 6 months already begins to distinguish figures.

Whose genes will win at the child's birth: mother's or father's? Here in advance the answer cannot be given.

The most most frequent coincidence:

  • Brown + brown eyes, probability at the child of brown eyes means is 75%, 18% - green, 7% - blue;
  • Green + brown: brown - 50%, 37% - green, 12% - blue;
  • Blue + brown: 50% - brown, 0% - green, 50% - blue;
  • Green + green: less than 1% that the child will be born with brown eyes, 75% - green, 25% - blue;
  • Green + blue: 0% - brown, 50% - green, 50% - blue;
  • Blue + blue: 0% - brown, 1% - green, 99% - blue.

The percent of the people born with heterochromia is small. Each eye at this person has the color. The eye affected by heterochromia can be giperpigmentirovan, or gipopigmentirovan.

From what can color of eyes change? It is considered that by three years color of eyes is formed for the rest of life. The truth people noticed for themselves that their color of eyes changed also during life.

It can depend on a variety of reasons:

  • The bright emotions responding in reaction to any event in life can provoke change of saturation of an iris of the eye: from dark to light.
  • Cleaning of an organism of toxins. The theory is psvevdonauchny, but has the name an iridiologiya. Judging by observations of doctor Robert Morse, the specialist in a detoxication, the conclusion was drawn that the top quadrant of an eye is connected with health of a brain, and an internal circle — with digestive system. The doctor conducted researches together with ¼ million people and came that the prevalence of fresh fruit and vegetables can affect color of eyes.
  • In the sun at people the strong contrast in eyes is always noticeable, it is possible to see such abundance of flowers about which even there were no suspicions earlier. Blue-eyed people can seem green-eyed, brown eyes get an amber shade.

Main that, what mood at the person: brightness and gloss in eyes - here that really perfectly! Every color it is beautiful in own way!

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
