The solution of problems with short-sightedness and far-sightedness was long ago. It is enough to use contact lenses or points. At glasses wearing there can be certain problems. Glasses of glasses can be soiled, broken, lost. One more problem is added to cold season to this list: points begin to mist over.
In heat the room (at a positive temperature) practically any firm surface brought from a frost mists over (from negative temperature). In this case there is what in physics is called "process of formation of condensate". This temperature difference leads to subsidence of the warm moisture which is contained in the environment. That is, there is a transition of water from gaseous a state in liquid. At the same time on the surface of glasses water droplets are formed. It is also possible to carry to factors which influence fogging of points: 1. High sweating of an organism that depends on specific physiological features of the person.2. Big humidity of surrounding space that is very noticeable, for example, on the beach.3. The spectacle frame which is incorrectly picked up to a shape of a face and the structure of a skull. If glasses of glasses are badly ventilated, then the humidity of air in space between the person and glasses will increase that will lead to fogging. For fight against fogging of points try to use one or several of councils: 1. Improve the ventilation system, having cut out special openings in a frame or having established laying with perforation in places of contact of a frame with the person. 2. From time to time, wipe lenses of points with liquid ammonia or soap water, but do not touch them with fingers of hands.3. Inhale air a nose, and exhale a mouth. It will also reduce concentration of vapors of liquid near lenses.4. Wipe glasses with glycerin.5. Apply a thin film of soap on lenses and wipe with a flannel. Or apply shaving gel and let's glasses dry, and then also wipe with soft not fleecy fabric.6. Use special sports gels and aerosols (antifog) which can be bought in sports shop. Points in the pool (as well as all sport glasses skintight to skin) can also mist over. Here "game" against you joins several factors at once. In the pool the outer surface is cooled while from within the humidity from breath and sweating is created. It is impossible to ventilate goggles. To avoid fogging of points in the pool, except already specified ways, it is necessary: 1. It is correct to put on glasses. You should not put on them over eyebrows. The elastic band has to be not behind ears, and on a nape.2. To use points on a microporous basis as laying.3. To wash out points Coca and to wipe, or just to wipe each glass with saliva from within. 5. To use sport glasses with a special covering from fogging.