How to define methyl alcohol

How to define methyl alcohol

Methyl alcohol – the connection relating to group of one-atomic alcohols. Methanol is highly toxic, only 10 ml of this substance are capable to cause severe damage of the central nervous system, a blindness, and 30 ml – death. For this reason there is a need of its identification. It is much simpler to carry out the analysis of methyl alcohol in toxicological laboratory, but it is quite possible to make the simplest definition even in house conditions.

How to distinguish methanol from ethanol

How to distinguish methanol from ethanol

Externally methanol (technical alcohol) is very similar to ethyl alcohol. It has approximately the same density and coefficient of a refraction (ability to refract sunshine). Has the same smell and color. In vitro to distinguish methanol from ethanol will not make big there. In house conditions it is more difficult to make it. However there are several ways to distinguish ethyl alcohol from methyl and without the difficult equipment.

As pressure and temperature are connected among themselves

As pressure and temperature are connected among themselves

Weather on the street not always corresponds to promises of meteorologists. In spite of the fact that in the world thousands of meteorological stations work, cannot precisely count weather even modern supercomputers. And all because the atmosphere parameters defining weather easily change under the influence of any given factors.

How to call the galaxy

How to call the galaxy

The galaxy – the system consisting of stars, dust, gas and dark matter which is held by gravitation forces. Behind such prosy description beauty of millions of shining stars lies. Some galaxies are called in honor of constellations in which they are located, and some possess beautiful unique names.

How to determine area coordinates

How to determine area coordinates

At development of the interregional labor relations and also in personal interests, there is a need to make moving from the city to the city, other settlements, or to places where never before happened. Now there is a set of ways to determine coordinates of the necessary destination.