Psychologists quite often face patients whose husbands lost to them interest. In some cases the behavior and the man's relation changes, in others - they frankly declare it. Many ladies want to correct a situation and to save family. At emergence of similar problems in marriage it is necessary to understand and begin to work in them.
1. At first understand one thing: not all measures for rescue of marriage come to an end successfully. That then it was not even more sore, keep in mind a possibility of unsuccessful attempt. It is unlikely the woman can know for hundred percent why the man to her grew cold even if he frankly to it admitted everything.
2. It is possible to be angry with it as much as necessary. But better realize that you want and why you need it. From these positions you will make the action plans - they have to be thought over. With such spirit it will be easier for you to take each step on rescue of marriage and to watch results.
3. Begin with external changes. Update clothes and a hairstyle, linen and style of a make-up. Be not afraid of radical changes, you have to appear before the soulmate in absolutely new look. Quite often happens so that the man so gets used to the woman that just ceases to notice all her advantages. The new image will interest him and to excite.
4. These changes can quite be enough if the problem of loss of interest was superficial. In case its reasons are more deeply, it will be insufficiently. Though the man can claim what to him bothered to see one and too, it actually can mean that just with you became uninteresting to him. Your internal contents can bother him. In this case prepare for changes of heart.
5. For the sake of an experiment put yourself on its place and take a detached view of the merits and demerits. Whether correctly you behave in any given situations whether it is interesting with you. Perhaps, you will find points of application for the actions for change of — the fact that it is necessary to develop also what it is necessary to refuse. Prepare thus for a conversation with the husband, it will be so easier to agree with those points which at you will coincide.
6. Talk to it seriously. Find out what bothered it what he would like. As he sees the future, joint with you. As he imagines your habits, behavior, manners and activity. Let he will state the wishes on points.
7. In the course of the conversation behave kindly, seriously and surely. Do not behave as the victim or as the aggressor - it will not lead to anything good. You speak quietly and structurally - as if the conversation is necessary to both of you. Do not let it know that you want to meet his desires and to indulge its whims. Build a conversation so that it was visible that you "are curious" for your general welfare.
8. Do not concentrate only on the shortcomings. Perhaps, not just you bothered it, and it in general began to be weighed upon family life. Perhaps, it is heavy to it to take such responsibility, he internally does not cope with it, and then something is already useless to change. There are men who are not created for marriage.
9. If it is your case, after the conversation everything will be clear. It is necessary to leave and not to look for the reasons only in himself. And if during the conversation you understand that everything it is possible to adjust and keep family - act. According to the plan which you already have.