Many want to meet the second half and to live with it long and happy family life. Often it is unclear, how to learn that this person will be love of all your life.
Whether the appearance is important?
The appearance of the partner is of great importance for many. Quite often people fall in love with handsome men and women, begin the relations, but after a while understand that partners do not suit them at all. Having endured parting, they start everything anew and again pay attention only to appearance. This vicious circle should be broken off.
With your partner you should divide many problems. You will be needs support of darling if you have problems at work or in case of a disease. You will raise together children. Analyze what qualities the father (or mother) your future child has to have. And you will understand that the appearance for joint life has not paramount value.
Sincere qualities
Be defined that to you it is important in the person. Think what education your second half has to have. Whether darling has to be a careerist. Decide what sincere qualities matter for you. Women usually say that they would like to see in husbands of the strong and masterful man. In practice many girls need, first of all, the understanding and careful man. Young people often consider that the girl has to be appeasable. Then they begin to miss in the relations with such girls. Therefore listen to yourself and define what traits of character play for you a role. Choose 3-4 main qualities which you would like to see in the partner. On the first appointments until emotions got the best, try to know the person better. Ask him the questions interesting you to understand as far as you suit the partner. If the interlocutor attracts you externally, do not give vent to feelings, you do not realize yet that sincere qualities of the partner are pleasant to you not less. Be not afraid to stop communication if understood that the person does not suit you. So you will save time and will quicker meet the half. If the interlocutor was not pleasant to you externally at the first meeting, do not hurry to break off the relations. Allow the person to prove. It is quite possible that the interlocutor so will subdue you the manner of communication, views and the relation to life that you will understand that he also is your second half.
Communicate more
Get acquainted and communicate with people of an opposite sex as much as possible. Perhaps, your future true love studies together with you or works at your office. You strike up acquaintances during the cultural actions: at exhibitions, at cinema, in theater, etc. Be registered on dating sites. The you recognize the bigger number of people, the chance to meet the second half will be higher.