The main secret of the ideal relations is, of course, a love and mutual respect. But also regular bright positive emotions play the huge role. That your man did not lose to you interest and was proud that near it there is such smart woman, try to admire it.
It is required to you
- - flowers,
- - cosmetics.
1. You watch the appearance. He fell in love with you young, fresh and young. Of course, over the years all mature, there are new wrinkles. But to play sports, to find time for manicure and a make-up it is possible at any age. Regular personal care surely will not take place completely. The tightened body and smooth skin will cause in the man admiration at each look not you.
2. Pay attention and to clothes. All things in it have to be combined harmoniously with each other. The style and colors have to be ideal for you. If it is difficult to you to choose independently clothes, do not regret finance and address the stylist, he will help to pick up the clothes style which is most of all suitable you.
3. Surprise him. Not only men have to make beautiful acts for the sake of the love. Record to it the song, write the poem, present a bouquet of flowers. Often women think that courting - only a men's prerogative. However the male also loves surprises and gifts, so try to cause its admiration of the fact that you also try to warm up your feelings unusual acts and to refresh your relations.
4. Admire the man. Yes, the male very much loves a praise. And the fact that you highly appreciate its acts words or external data will be apprehended by it with great pleasure. You praise it more often, you do not stint compliments. He will surely love such woman even more.
5. The considerable role will be played also by your support. Try to support the man in any situation and to criticize less. Even if he is not right, try to inform of it him in a soft form. Anyway, you chose this person. And nobody will support him better you, and he in turn will surely estimate it. Do not forget that life at us one, and it is inexpedient to spend it for disputes. Be cheerful, open, gentle and loving, try to be the best for your man. And then he will be surely proud and delighted the fact that near it there are you.