How to behave with the wealthy man

How to behave with the wealthy man

Wealthy men are often satiated life. It is difficult to surprise them, and it is even more difficult to get to fall in love. But also they have weak points. They got used that women are attracted by their purse, and too often notice insincerity. Therefore if you will be interested in such man as the personality, it will surprise and will interest him.


1. You treat the man sincerely. Wealthy gentlemen lack this quality most often. They got used that all them try to deceive and receive from them something. Therefore if you will be interested in it, its problems, his outlooks on life, he will estimate it. You should not imitate strong feelings, he distinguishes a lie very quickly.

2. Never and you ask nothing, especially if your request assumes obtaining certain material benefits for you. The man can think that he on himself is not necessary to you. As a rule, from them all try to receive though something therefore any request at the subconscious level will be to wound their pride, and even the slightest inquiries or requests will cause negative reaction. Therefore if you needed to hammer a nail, make it it is better.

3. If the man offers you a gift, do not refuse it. Take and show as far as you are glad to this courtesy. If the man asks what to present to you, choose inexpensive gifts. Otherwise he can have a feeling that you communicate with it because of money. Choose small souvenirs, theater tickets or cinema, flowers. Then the man will understand that you treat him sincerely.

4. Never give to the man of a reason for jealousy. At wealthy persons such feeling can pour out in unpredictable acts. They can finish the relations at the slightest hint on incorrectness.

5. Be interested in its affairs. Ask about how there passed it day what it had problems and that was interesting. Try to communicate as much as possible with it, showing the intelligence. Wealthy men like clever people to whom it is possible just to talk.

6. And for the rest behave with it, as well as with any other man. Do not live only for it, the stronger sex does not appreciate it. Always have the opinion, think also of the requirements. Of course, it does not mean that you have to behave selfishly. Try to build such scheme of communication at which it will be comfortable to both you, and him.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
