Loss of trust often undermines even the, apparently, strongest relations. Though what they strong if two suddenly ceased to trust each other... It is the serious sign. But people are connected by too much and is too strong, and even after a serious gap seek to believe each other again.
1. Try to remember all the best that you endured at the same time the person to whom you want to believe again. to forget bad is possible, having drawn some conclusions which will help further; but good usually long remains in memory whatever the person hurt you. Therefore concentrate and revive in memory those light days when everything only began when you were fascinated, in love or already loved really and strongly. The true love is impossible without trust so you need to remember only how it is to trust this person.
2. Try to estimate it from reason positions again, but not feelings. Not for nothing say that the love passes, the respect remains. Remember for what you respect this person, in him there have to be many good lines, time you are not tired to fight for it. Think, maybe, it only stumbled, and understanding of the mistake only made it better? People change though it is actually difficult to trust the person.
3. Fall in love with the person again. Once it already happened? Once all also began with it. Love embellishes a love object in the opinion of that which loves. You will be able to see him or her it what he or she, maybe, never and were, and it is necessary for you at present. Only do not forget also most to fascinate the person that the arisen trust was not undivided.
4. Discuss with it or with it plans for the future, explain that at you at heart. If the person is ready seriously, then he will understand you and will make everything that you remained with it. And it will be expressed not only in words, but also in acts, and it is better if words it is not told at all. Once of people already gave a cause to mistrust so put not it to expatiate on the high feelings and respect for you. It has to do, but not speak, only then you will be able to believe it again.
5. How the love was strong that lives in your heart, nevertheless do not allow feelings to overflow reason: if to trust there is nothing, leave better. Pain will pass, and you will meet the person who should not ""be trusted again"" - it will be possible to believe and not to release any more.