Sometimes, that people leave without having thought, in the heat of a quarrel and under the influence of emotions. Over time there occurs enlightenment. If you broke up with the young man, and then understood that you see him the father of your future children, not late to correct everything.
1. To marry the ex-boyfriend, he at first needs to be returned. If you were an initiator of a gap, these are simplifies a situation a little. It is quite possible that the young man still loves you and waits for your call. Agree about a meeting and sincerely admit that you were wrong and would like to revive the relations.
2. If the young man acted as the initiator of the termination of the relations, to start over again will meet it more difficult. Right after parting leave it for some time. Do not keep ringing to it, do not write SMS, do not catch sight and show nothing that are ready to make a lot of things in order that to return it.
3. At this time take care of the own life. Remember how you looked in the first months of your meetings. Whether you began to watch the appearance less? Update clothes, do new hair, dye a hair, change color of lipstick.
4. Subconsciously it seems to people that the person who changed externally had also changes of heart. Register in yoga, be engaged in meditations – disclose the inner world.
5. Be quiet and benevolent. The young man should not know that you sob in a pillow at night and drink a valerian. At a casual meeting with former sincerely smile to him.
6. After you changed and completely took the emotions under control, it is possible to pass to active actions. Accurately remind of yourself. Perhaps, you have mutual friends, and you could meet at a party or in cafe. Or call it to consult concerning a question which he well understands.
7. Try to look happy and happy life always. Release the young man. Such is human nature: generally people reach for those who do not hold them. The former young man, most likely, will be intrigued with your behavior and itself will want to return you.
8. After you started over again meeting, be lovely, sincere and loving, but do not cling to the young man. Having seen in you the new, bright, sure and independent girl who does not want to be lost any more, the guy will probably make you the proposal.
9. You do not harbor malice against the former. If you began to build the new relations, you have to forget all former offenses, otherwise they will surely emerge at any stage of your joint life.