Street acquaintances always caused contradictions in society. Some people consider what to decent girls did not stick to get acquainted in public places, others do not see in it anything terrible, the third are sure that the maniac or the robber can approach them only. Also replies to the offer of acquaintance are so ambiguous.
1. The estimated reply to the offer to get acquainted depends on your purposes. If you are happy in marriage or are simply happy with the developed private life, safely report about it to the suitable young man. Such answer will not offend the man, but also will intelligibly explain to him what in your case could not be caught.
2. Perhaps, you not against the relations with the beautiful stranger, but consider that your consent will be regarded as availability. But it is not your neighbor or the colleague. You can never meet the person who was pleasant to you any more therefore you should not doubt. Agree to acquaintance. You will be able to prove the decency during communication, if you attracted each other, you will have this opportunity.
3. Do not respond to the offer to get acquainted "I do not know". You will give to chauvinists the next argument in favor of the fact that the female logic strikingly differs from standard. If are not sure, you like the suitable young man or not, get acquainted with him, but do not give him your contacts, and take his number of mobile. Then you will understand and if decide that nevertheless would like to continue communication, you will be able to call it.
4. Start an interesting conversation. On the offer to get acquainted it is optional to give at once the passport data and the registration address at all. Talk to the young man about books, pets, cultivation of cactuses – subjects which concern you. And only after it draw a conclusion whether it is worth leaving the phone number.
5. Many young people are fond of the pickup and at acquaintance on the street use trite phrases. If you made an impression that you already the tenth beautiful stranger who this phrase is invited in theater, most likely, you ran into a pikaper. Well prepared guys know that to answer the girl in case of her disagreement so if you want to get rid of the importunate young man, you should act is not banal. Tell a phrase inattentively, roar with laughter, jump on one leg – hardly the lady's man provided such options of female behavior.