Visit of gym assumes correction of a figure. In this article we will consider by means of what exercises it is possible to expand a back.
Anatomy of muscles of a back
Back muscles divide into 2 big groups: those which are located on a surface and those that are in depth. They are placed from a neck to a basin, and them much. We suggest to consider only defining a back relief.
Among them:
- Trapezoid, called so because form a trapeze form. They accommodate in the top zone of a back, between a shoulder and a shovel. Are involved when raising shovels, a humeral belt, hands, the movement of the head and maintenance of a vertical position of a neck.
- The widest, located in the lower zone backs. Placed under trapezoid. It is involved at assignment of the upper extremities down and back, provides pulling up of the case to hands.
- Diamond-shaped. Lie under trapezoid. Help when raising shovels.
- Muscle which is responsible for extension of a backbone. Has 3 parts: awned, the longest, vertebral and costal. They are placed along lumbar department of a backbone. Together form the longest and powerful back muscle. It carries out the movement of a backbone forward and back, in the parties, turns of the head, influences a condition of a bearing.
- Cross and awned. Are responsible for stability of a backbone.
- Big round. Placed under the widest. Its functional purpose — assignment of a hand down and back, rotation of a hand inside, its pulling to the case.
Top-10 exercises on a back with a bar
The most effective and popular exercises among bodybuilders for a muscular complex of a back are drafts and pullings up. We made the list of 10 best movements which allow to make a beautiful relief of a back.
Stanovy draft
The Stanovy draft is ranked as general exercises. It is calculated on study of the majority of back muscles (razgibatel, the widest, trapezoid) and also the lower extremities (byoderny bicepses, sural, back group of muscles of a hip), buttocks (big buttock) and a stomach (direct and slanting).
Important! The Stanovy draft belongs to difficult exercises. It should be done competently. Mistakes when performing threaten with a backbone overload, development of a pain syndrome in a waist and problems with joints.
In general at implementation of stanovy draft about 70% of muscles of all body are involved. There are several types of stanovy draft. It is carried out with a bar. Before the beginning coxofemoral, ankle and knee joints are warmed. Let's consider technology of performance of classical option:
- To accept a standing position with in parallel costing stupnyam (perhaps, slightly to part feet in the parties). To place the lower extremities already the level of shoulders. The signature stamp has to rest against shins and pass on the center of foot.
- To bend to a signature stamp with the straightened back and the taken-away buttocks at an angle of 45 degrees.
- To sit down so that knees appeared between straight arms. It is necessary to keep an interval between hands at the level of 40 cm.
- To clasp a signature stamp with the palms directed to the case.
- To make smooth straightening of legs.
- To straighten a back, having carried out data of shovels. The signature stamp has to be placed most close to legs.
- To record a position for couple of seconds.
- To make lowering of a bar on a floor and return to an initial position, having begun with assignment of hips back.
Video: technology of performance of stanovy draft
Draft of a bar in an inclination
It is recommended to both professionals, and beginners to place this movement for a complex of back muscles in an initial part of a training. In it back muscles (the widest, big round, back deltoid, diamond-shaped, trapezoid, razgibatel) and hands work.
Whether you know? In a human body there are more than 640 muscles. Each of them needs different time for restoration after loading. Most slowly back muscles return to working capacity. On their complete recovery not less than 48 hours are required.
It is necessary to do it as follows:
- To accept a standing position before a bar.
- To place the lower extremities at the level of shoulders.
- To carry out easy bending of knees.
- To make an inclination forward and to take a signature stamp palms from above.
- To carry out straightening with straight arms.
- To incline the case at an angle it is less than 30 degrees. The head to lift and look forward. It is weak to bend knees. To strain lumbar muscles. The initial position for exercise performance has to be it.
- Having inhaled and having carried out a breath delay, to make pulling up of a bar to the middle of a stomach.
- To exhale.
- To make smooth lowering of a shell on a floor.
Draft of a bar in an inclination a reverse grip
One more general exercise in the training program for a back. Influences all main muscles of the top and average zone of a back, bicepses, a direct muscle of a stomach.
Important! Performance of draft of a bar with the rounded back is fraught with traumatizing vertebras. To lower load of it, it is necessary to carry out easy bending of knees and assignment of buttocks back.
It is necessary to do it so:
- To accept an initial position as in Paragraphs 1-5 of the previous exercise, with the only difference — to carry out hold from below.
- On an exhalation to carry out pulling up of a bar to the middle of a stomach.
- To carry out fixing of situation into account 1, 2.
- To make smooth lowering of a bar and return to an initial position.
Video: technology of performance of draft of a bar in an inclination a reverse grip
Draft of a bar in a prone position on a bench
The basic power movement of average weight involving muscles of the top zone of a back, the widest, trapezoid and deltoid. The training requires a bench with an inclination and a bar. The main advantage of this draft — is not loaded a backbone.
We advise to esteem how it is correct to do a press of a bar lying narrow hold and a bar press on a bench with an inclination up.
It is necessary to carry out draft so:
- To expose a bench tilt angle by 30–45 degrees.
- To accept a prone position on a stomach with an emphasis legs.
- To take a signature stamp from above, having arranged a hand at the level of shoulders.
- Eyes to direct forward.
- To straighten hands up.
- Having exhaled, to make pulling up of a signature stamp to the middle of a stomach, without tearing off a breast from a bench. Shovels need to be brought together.
- To record a position for couple of seconds.
- To make slow lowering of a bar and to return to a starting position.
Pullover with a bar
Podostny and widest muscles are involved by a pullover with a bar — exercise which any person for the first time beginning to visit gym should face. Demands obligatory warm-up.
- To pick up a bar weight not exceeding 20 kg.
- To accept a prone position the person up with a firm emphasis in a floor the lower extremities.
- To lift a bar before itself on the straightened hands.
- Having made a deep breath, to smoothly lower a shell for the head straight arms.
- To finish lowering when hands are located parallel to a floor.
- To record a position for couple of seconds.
- To return hands in an initial position.
Raising of a bar on a breast
This movement well gathers force, speed and coordination of movements, increases muscles.
Learn as it is correct to squat with a bar to the girl and also what exercises with a bar effective for female buttocks.
As it is injury-causing, advise beginners to perfect the equipment just with a signature stamp or with a small weight.
- Let's consider technology of performance of rise from a floor:
- To accept a standing position with the socks located under a signature stamp. Legs are placed at shoulder length.
- To sit down, holding a back of straightened, having naturally bent a waist.
- To turn an eye forward.
- To lift a shell from a floor, straining a back and legs.
- After the shell appears at the level of knees, to make sharp breakthrough, having unbent legs and having straightened the case, rejecting its top part a little back.
- To carry out podsed under a signature stamp.
- To place a signature stamp on a breast with the elbows removed forward.
- Having been late several seconds, to return a bar on a floor.
Thirst of a bar for a chin
When performing this draft, trapezes and deltas are included. It belongs to the isolated exercises. It can be carried out in 2 ways: with narrow and wide hold.
The last is considered classical option:
- To pick up a shell, having taken it from above and having put hands at the level of shoulders.
- To straighten a back, having a little bent a waist. To turn an eye forward.
- To begin smooth pulling up of a shell to a chin, avoiding breakthroughs. At the same time to make assignment of elbows in the parties.
- Without being late, to lower a bar.
- To make repetitions without pauses in the lower point.
Inclinations forward with a bar
Inclinations do with the purpose to strengthen the lower zone of a back. They need to be made in the training final. Becomes only with the straightened back.
Examine general exercises on back muscles with dumbbells.
It is carried out as follows:
- To capture a bar by the wide successful fellow.
- To accept a standing position with a little bent waist, having placed feet at the level of shoulders.
- To throw a signature stamp for a back and to arrange on a trapeze.
- To make easy bending of the lower extremities. To strain a waist.
- Having inhaled and having made a breath delay, to make a smooth inclination forward, having taken away buttocks back.
- To stop when the case falls into a state a parallel floor.
- To lift the case, extending a basin forward.
Video: technology of performance of inclinations forward with a bar
Shrag with a bar
With the help shrag it is possible to create perfectly back top, to allocate trapezes and deltas, to maintain health of a backbone and beauty of a bearing, to saturate soft fabrics and a brain with oxygen. There are several options of performance of shrag.
Read in more detail how it is correct to do shrag with a bar.
In classical execution it looks so:
- To accept a standing position.
- To take a bar, as at stanovy draft.
- To straighten a back, a deflection in a waist, having straightened shoulders and a thorax and having directed eyes up.
- To carry out a breath and a delay of air.
- To pull shoulders up.
- To be late in the top point for couple of seconds.
- To strain trapezes.
- To make an exhalation and to return to an initial pose.
Li Heyni's draft
The draft is called in honor of the famous American bodybuilder who 8 times became a title holder Mr. Olympia. It studies trapezes and deltas. In traditional execution becomes with a bar. Also it can be done with dumbbells and on Smith's exercise machine. Is suitable for experienced athletes.
Important! When performing draft of Li Sheini it is necessary to avoid such mistakes as shrug, rounding of a back, cultivation of elbows in the parties, rise in weight only hands.
Technically Li Heyni's draft looks so:
- To place a bar in a frame at the level of hips.
- To approach a shell a back.
- To accept a standing position with the straightened back bent by a waist, the straightened shoulders, feet at the level of shoulders.
- To sit down and take a signature stamp the palms developed back.
- To place a signature stamp it is lower than the level of buttocks.
- To depart from a rack.
- To inhale. On a delay of breath to tighten a shell to a waist, having given a basin forward.
- To make a delay for couple of seconds.
- On an exhalation to lower a shell in the lower point.
- To do repetitions without pause in the lower point.
Video: technician of performance of draft Li Heyni
How to make the program of trainings on a back
Training programs for a back need to be made individually.
By drawing up it is desirable to listen to the following recommendations:
- to allocate for a training separate day twice a week. It is as a last resort possible to combine in one occupation of exercise on a back and a breast, bicepses;
- to begin occupations with general exercises, then to pass to the top and lower drafts, to finish a raising of heavy scales;
- the program to complicate and make heavier gradually.
Learn as it is correct to do attacks for buttocks with a bar as it is correct to squat with a bar on shoulders and also frontal squats with a bar, a bar press because of the head and the Romanian draft with a bar.
The approximate complex for the beginner can look as follows:
- 1–2 approaches of draft of the top block till 6-12 repetitions;
- 1–2 approaches of draft of a bar in an inclination till 6-12 repetitions.
- 1–2 approaches of stanovy draft till 6-10 repetitions.
For those who reached the average level the complex can look so:
- 2–3 approaches of draft of the top block till 6-12 repetitions;
- 2–3 approaches of draft of a bar in an inclination till 6-12 repetitions;
- 2–3 approaches of draft of the lever in Hummer till 6-12 repetitions;
- 2–3 approaches of stanovy draft till 6-10 repetitions.
One of complexes suitable for professionals:
- 3–4 approaches of pullings up till 6-12 repetitions;
- 3–4 approaches of draft of a bar in an inclination till 6-12 times;
- 3–4 approaches of draft of the lever in Hummer till 6-12 times;
- 3–4 approaches of draft of the top block till 6-12 times;
- 3–4 approaches of stanovy draft till 6-10 times.
Whether you know? About 25% of all muscles are the share of the person and a humeral belt. Thanks to it the person possesses a rich mimicry which he uses for expression of a wide range of feelings.
Thus, to expand a back and to give it a beautiful relief, it is necessary to make the program of a training in which the main back muscles will be involved. Beginners of exercise need to make under observation of the experienced trainer as the wrong execution can become the reason of traumatizing a backbone.