Run is recognized not only good means for improvement of the organism long ago, but also for fight against extra kilos. Even the shortest and slow jogs are much more effective for the figure, than lying on the sofa. However for those who seek to get rid of fat and to get beautiful forms at short notice, nevertheless it is necessary to run on the certain system.
To begin to run it is necessary gradually, each time adding in time a little. So you gradually accustom the organism to useful occupation, without having done much harm to it. If you are in weak physical shape, during the first jogs you shouldn't exceed the time limit 15 minutes, but in several weeks it isn't necessary to run not less than half an hour, otherwise you will be able to get rid of extra kilos.
To more hardy people and those who is in excellent physical shape about 40-45 minutes are better to run. Scientists proved the fact long ago that fat begins to be burned only after 30 minutes of intensive run.
During run surely listen to the feelings – if you feel bad, it is better to replace jog with fast walking.
To lose weight during run, it is also very important to alternate intensity of loading. It is possible to run, for example, 10 minutes at weak pace, and then for 5 minutes as much as possible to accelerate. That is why it is the best of all for that who fights against extra kilos to run on the hilly area, but not on the flat road. It is considered that for weight loss it is more correct to be engaged in run in the mornings – then the organism burns calories much quicker. The best time for this purpose – from 6 to 8 in the morning. Nevertheless each organism is individual so it is necessary to define time of jogs independently, proceeding from the health. Not less than 4 times a week are also very important to run, otherwise the effect of trainings will be not so noticeable on the figure. Daily run suits those who seek to strengthen, besides weight loss, the immune system more.
At daily run it is very important to follow the listed above rules, otherwise the organism will get used to loadings and combustion of fat will take place much more slowly.
Run, undoubtedly, is useful to health and the figure. However quicker to lose extra kilos, it is important to follow rules of healthy food. For a start it is necessary to refuse any fast food, carbonated drinks and flour products. It is also useful to eat in the small portions, but not less than 4 times a day. After run it isn't necessary to rush to the fridge at once and to eat chocolate with clear conscience – consumption of bigger number of calories, than you burned during run, will lead to the treasured purpose not soon. It is the best of all to wait hour or at least 30 minutes, and then to satisfy the woken-up hunger with vegetable salad, boiled meat or fish.