How to defeat the opponent with one blow

How to defeat the opponent with one blow

To defeat the opponent, having sent him to the knockout without application of make-shifts, it is possible. The main thing that blow wasn't mortal. So count the forces before attacking or be defended.


1. If you have no big physical force, but want to gain monasteries of the skillful fighter, you should develop agility and endurance. Agility – to manage to evade from kick of the opponent, endurance – to manage to escape in case of the miss.

2. Begin trainings. Buy the punching bag or make it independently (also the bag suspended on the rope with sand as a last resort will approach). You don't come to the match until the accuracy of kicks isn't fulfilled by you to automatism. Consider also that the opponent won't stand still too, and will try to evade too. For this reason the most important is to take him unawares. If between you old scores, he is quiet and doesn't wait from you for the dirty trick, will be to snatch the right moment as easy as shelling pears. But if he the first shows aggression, try to concentrate as much as possible. He likewise waits when you lose vigilance.

3. The most effective kick – kick by two bones of fingers in the chin. It isn't necessary to put in it all force; here the main thing – hit accuracy. The direct strike bluntly too is rather productive, especially if you make it the head. But such way needs to be fulfilled that your opponent went to the knockout, but not you are.

4. Kicks in the groin, the solar plexus, the Adam's apple, and so are considered as painful that the opponent can even faint for a while. If you struck very much the nose tip from below, then such blow can be mortal therefore it is better not to practice in it.

5. The flick the leg on edges, to the area of the liver or kidneys both painful, and injuring. Depends only on you whether it is worth fulfilling them.

6. Study points on which weak kick can send the opponent to the knockout or lead to the immediate death. It is necessary not for attack, and for the defense. Otherwise the opponent wishing to defeat you will make it easily and quickly.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
