Development of spring ability directly depends on physical training of the person. The more your body is as a result of exercises and trainings, the result will be more notable. Special attention should be paid to the ankle joint as the main force at the jump is the share of this part of the body.
1. For achievement of the best result before each jump don't forget to do massage of the shin. Bend and unbend the ankle joint within 3–5 minutes at first one leg, then the second, alternately executing rotary motions. In exercises let your feet overcome resistance, for example, hang up small cargo on the leg. Then find the small roundish subject which will be suitable for driving by means of feet. Try to find sand and make in it several jumps.
2. Carry out every morning jog on several kilometers, and then exercises on gymnastics. Be tightened, make the extension of legs, check the body for flexibility. Then carry out jumps, without bending legs, with the raised hands up. Do this exercise within 5 minutes. Then execute jumps at which landing is the share of one foot, of another.
3. Jump, making in the spin jump by 180 degrees, not forgetting about the raised hands. Then perform the following interesting exercise together with the friend. Get up to each other the back, hands hook on elbows, and begin to jump synchronously in landing, squatting. So you will better feel each other, will develop muscles of the shin and the back, will spend behind exercise cheerfully time.
4. Play basketball more often, besides, the basket for emission of the ball, the better will hang above. Jumps in the jump rope are also welcomed. Then on sand draw the line for which it will be necessary to jump, and depart on meter. Every time jump, increasing distance a little.
5. There are also many other ways of development of spring ability. Consult with coaches and other experts in this area.