In your house there lives a charming fluffy cat. She is very quiet and tender, but one day the behavior of the favourite changes. She begins to mew, ride loudly on a floor, to accept characteristic poses, unambiguously calling a cat. You can endure such attack, but in a month, and even earlier "a cat's concert" to repeat. What to undertake?
If you the owner of a thoroughbred animal also plan cultivation, think of reproduction of a cat's sort. Consider that early (about one year) knitting is extremely undesirable to cats. The animal can just not cope with childbirth, the organism is not ready to them yet. Therefore one-two techka should be passed. There are breeds ripening late, others, on the contrary, show activity at teenage age. The exact age suitable for first labor, it is possible to learn from the manufacturer or the veterinarian.
After knitting the cat calms down, and the dormant period can proceed also during feeding of kittens. To give birth more often than once a year to a cat it is not shown. However manufacturers note that the cats who regularly have kittens during the periods of "idle time" behave more quietly, than animals which are not coupled with a cat. The forced abstention is harmful to cats and is capable to provoke developing of oncological diseases. Besides to result can give also use of hormonal medicines. They can be applied only in exceptional cases – for example when the techka of a cat falls on an exhibition or moving. The veterinarian will help to choose suitable medicine and it is not recommended to use it more often than once a year. There are medicines capable to detain a techka for half a year and more, but their action on an organism of cats is up to the end not studied. To offer the alumna valerian, bromine, soothing collecting it is in most cases useless. The cat will calm down for a couple of hours, but then its activity will renew. Besides it can react to uncontrolled consumption of medicines with vomiting or a diarrhea. Only an effective and reasonable way to solve a problem of the ""calling"" cat - sterilization. Breeding animals pass it after 6-7 years when childbirth becomes dangerous to their health. It is better for owners of not purebred animals to sterilize the favourites even earlier. Otherwise the cat will show activity each two-four weeks, irrespective of season. Sterilization is safe for animals and completely solves behavioural problems. Do not consider that you deprive a cat of "love" - having decided on sterilization, you only remove an irritant, constant and very painful for it, from life of the alumna. Before operation surely consult with the veterinarian. By the time of sterilization the animal has to gain sufficient weight – not less than two kilograms. It is desirable not to perform operation during a techka, after it there have to pass two-three days. It is possible to sterilize a cat at any age, since 8 months.