Love is such feeling which cannot be operated. Nobody chooses with whom to fall in love. It occurs at the power, physical or sincere level. It is what in life everyone has to feel. But not all manage to meet love which will accompany with a row all life. And to endure parting - back-breaking toil. It is fight with itself.
Parting is always disappointment, pain, a regret, kind of desperately it sounded.
When you take this step, you understand the head that it is correct, but, as they say, the heart has a will of its own. And whatever egoist was this person, but you fell in love with him, contrary to everything. ""Love not for something, and contrary to"".
With life experience you realize that this is truethis is truethis is true. You cannot choose the person to whom you want to present all tenderness and care. Quite often we like absolutely opposite type of people, however the real, sincere feelings have only to those to whom pulls both soul, and a body.
There is a huge set of the reasons for which people leave. For example, the elect had someone another, the love relations smoothly flowed in friendly, the person was not such what you imagined him, and many other individual nuances.
Whatever was the parting reason, at first you will lack this person, you will constantly reflect on whether you correctly arrived, and can are not necessary? At such moments the heart is literally broken from within, on you there is no person, all are interested that happened.
Remember one: if very strongly you want to make something, then, without deliberating because thoughts ruin us, make it, of course, there is a probability that you will regret for deeds, but it is better many times. Because thoughts of what could make and everything to correct or to adjust, but was afraid, will accompany you still very long time.
The most heartrending experience which falls to human lot in the plan of the relations is to release the person whom he fallen in love. The main thing is not to fall before insults to its party, it you will only push away from yourself. If so occurred, try to keep only pleasant memories in memory of this person.
After parting do not remain alone with yourself at all. You will begin to leaf through photos in the smartphone, to read correspondences, to watch the missed calls. And then you will be covered by a hurricane of memoirs. Remove everything that reminds you of the elect. Do not finish yourself own hands.
Meet friends, tell them about the life, walk, begin to play sports. Generally, make so that you remained alone with with yourself only in a dream. Communication with girlfriends who have a private life as it should be will also remind of your relations therefore at first avoid it. Keep yourself.
Not for nothing say that mental anguish is many times more severe than physical.
Also remember one more important rule! Nobody changes if everything suits it in the relations, the person means looks for what is not enough for it. And it will continue to do it again and again. Overcome yourself, treason it is impossible to forgive.
Plunge into work. You look, and you will reach increase! Time does not treat, it erases the past remains.
You need a splash of emotions! Visit such places where it is possible to shout very much to splash out all negative.
Do not stop to look after yourself at all. Who needs the girl who does not watch herself? Life such piece, maybe, you will meet that, after parting, and it will return you to life, having filled it with joy and ringing laughter.
And still, if you in something do not accept the partner, know, he will not change. Or you accept the person it what he is, or is not present.
The choice for you.